Sunday 8 November 2020

Spinach Onion Gouda Quiche, Homemade Flagels, Garden Salad and Mark’s Birthday Cake

 Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...

ITS FINALLY OVER!   This election season seemed like the one that would never end...  so grateful to no longer have 2673 voice mails daily from unknown callers trying to convince me to vote for Yoshel Schlumper...  so glad to NOT see any more ads on TV announcing who is the bigger yutz...  so pleased to have an end to the PILES of mail begging for funds to elect ANYBODY... gaaah!  

Today we celebrated the fact that just over 32 years ago I gave birth to a terrific man...  clearly he wasn’t a man at the time...  he was a baby 👶 but has grown into a terrific guy...  and this mama is sooo proud!  Congratulations to ME!  Oh yes, and happy happy birthday Mark!  Love you lots 💙💙❤️❤️

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