Wednesday 25 November 2020

Derby Pies... Cranberry Compote... Cranberry Orange Scones...

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

The hubs is home... surgery was a success...  he is in a new heavier brace hip to ankle...  tuckered out...  but pretty comfortable overall...  thank you all for your support...  prayers...   well wishes...  good vibes...  and grace.  It made this nervous Nellie feel much better knowing you all were out there sending your love ❤️❤️❤️

Today was stress bake day...  dropped the hubs off at the hospital... 10am (can’t go in due to covid) go home...  have coffee...  start to pace...  decide to bake...  keeps the mind busy...  focused on mis en place and not missing ingredients...  make two Derby Pies (cause why not... one to share)  12:30pm...  just going into surgery...  make cranberry compote...   still in surgery...  2pm...  beginning to worry a bit...  scones...  lots of prep...  takes some time...  good....  don’t overthink...  Just as the grated frozen butter goes into the flour...  the surgeon calls...  quick stash the batter in the fridge... taking notes...  instructions... it went well... he is in recovery doing fine!!!  Three more hours for observation then home!!!   Now...  happy scones 😄 patting...  laminating...  lost count... did eight?  Time to cut and chill...  preheat oven and bake!  

Lunch time now that tummy is relaxed...  hunger arrives...  Mr Sam spent the day in his bed waiting for his Daddy to get home... didn’t come looking till the hubs walked in the door...  then came up checked him over...  gave him a big sniff and a rub as if to say, “You are acceptable once again” 😻

Supper was leftover Cajun Andouille White and Red Bean Soup, cold roasted asparagus salad with Parmesan shards and warmed pita...  it was so good to eat together after a long and strange day...   grateful that the surgery is over...  now the healing begins...  one day at a time...  the new monster brace comes with a metal joint at the knee which is locked...  keeps it still...  letting the cells regrow to attach bone to muscle and tendon.  

So much to be thankful for even during this odd Thanksgiving...  our lives... our health... our family... our friends  (even though we can’t be together...  we can still love them and chat) and Mr Sam 😻

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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