Thursday 19 November 2020

Whole Oven Roasted Chicken with Garlic and Herbs, Oven Roasted Potatoes & Garden Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

NYC has officially fallen below freezing...  as I write this it is 26°F outside...  thank goodness for the heat lamp in the greenhouse... it’s a balmy 37°F...  just warm enough to keep the remaining tomatoes from freezing...  tomorrow we will bounce back to a high of almost 50°F...  this weather is very 2020...  the cold coming in waves.  

Tuesday was a tough day...  the hubs had a small accident at work... piece of flange (big heavy metal plumbing connector) flew off the vice and smacked him in the left knee...  knocked him to the floor...  quick trip to the hospital ED...  by 1pm was in my car on his way home with a stiff plastic and Velcro brace from hip to ankle and crutches... tiny 1 cm bone chip and small muscle tear necessitates a trip to the surgeon Thursday for a consult and date for repair.   Mixed feelings...  hubs is essential worker...  covid stats are up...  so injury will keep him home for a bit...  he’s not a happy camper at the moment...  has to keep the knee absolutely still...  difficult maneuvering.

Even so, we still have to eat...  so tonite...  whole roasted chicken with oven roasted potatoes and a big garden salad.  The hubs enjoys eating the meat off the carcass after it’s carved...  then into the pot for stock along with wing tips, tush and the onion from the cavity.  The juices in the bottom of the pan get poured into a container and saved for soup base...  alongside some vino...  and a slice of the last bit of the Almond Lemon Ricotta Cake.  

Have a bunch of apples that need cooking...  thinking of making an Apple galette tomorrow...  or apple crisp...  if there’s time.  Or maybe more applesauce...  haven’t decided.  

Thanksgiving plan thus far is bringing supper to Moms so she and her aide can eat together in the dining room while the hubs and I sit at the kitchen counter...  sliding glass door ajar and apartment door open for fresh air circulation...  not sure if it will be possible...  stats in NYC on the rise...  might just drop off food if necessary and have a brief visit... we shall see as we get closer... also depends if the hubs is mobile or still in a brace.  So many considerations to decipher...  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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