Sunday 1 November 2020

Beefy Lentil Soup with Onions and Greek Yogurt and Flaky (not homemade) Biscuits

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Did everyone remember to set the clocks back an hour?  How many of you were an hour early for appointments today?  Now that electronic devices set  time automatically, few of us experience the shock of showing up an hour early for Sunday appointments... or early for work on Monday.  Certainly many recall those days with humor.

Sunshine lit up the morning skies here in the Big Apple...  it was delightful...  all the way until 11am...  clouds gathered and by noon rain returned in full drench mode.  Visiting Mom today was a wet and chilly experience...  dashing from car to lobby with groceries in tow...  so grateful for the hubs assistance.  So tired of gray skies...  windswept rain...  drab days.

Leftovers on the menu tonite...  beefy lentil soup with onions and Greek yogurt accompanied by flaky biscuits (no, they are not homemade 😢 another mountain yet to be climbed) laden with whipped butter...  a lovely glass of Pinot Noir accented the warmth and comfort of the meal.  

Covid has gripped the nation by the throat...  states across the upper Midwest are seeing 45% rates of increasing infections.  Virtually every state has a rising covid rate...  over the weekend parties involving hundreds of maskless folks stopped by police here in NYC.  Please wear a mask (keeps the face warm in cold weather) limit personal interactions...  and wash those germy hands!  

Election Day...  Tuesday....  early voting ended in NYC today at 4pm...

it is a priviledge and an honor...  VOTE! 

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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