Tuesday 1 December 2020

Avocado & Tomato Salad with Thanksgiving Turkey leftovers and Grilled Halloumi & Miniature Greenhouse

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Peeking in and out of the clouds...  the ineffective sun...  winking her great eye at the Big Apple today...   the stiff wind still present...   occasionally whipping round the corner to slam a storm door...   blowing empty boxes to and fro like dice on a craps table...   temperatures plummeting into the low 30’s tonite...  the chill is on in NYC. 

It was a quiet day at home...  a few calls...  necessary paperwork and bills to deal with as the first of the month arrives...  trying to keep up with household chores amidst the fray...  keeping in touch with Mom and our kids via phone and video chat...  concluding holiday shopping as remaining gifts are chosen and shipped to Florida & Colorado for the grands.  

The hubs is improving day by day...  no pain meds for three days now except to sleep...   appetite has returned...  able to get in and out of bed without assistance...  bear weight on the braced leg with virtually no pain.  His smile has returned...   best part for me...  enjoying relaxing in the afternoons...  leg elevated...  watched Madame Butterfly amongst the scores of how to tutorials.   We return to the surgeon for a post op eval on Thursday...  fingers crossed 🤞 

Our DIL gifted us a miniature greenhouse today complete with lights and interior plantings...  it now has a place of honor on the dresser in our bedroom where the hubs is enjoying its soft relaxing glow.

Supper tonite was an avocado and tomato salad with the remaining turkey left from Thanksgiving...  lime vinaigrette...  grilled halloumi cheese accompanied our light supper (forgot to take a photo...  this is the photo from the recipe)  After the heavy carb laden meals of the past days it felt good to enjoy a light meal.  

The news on the covid front is worsening by the day...  doctors and nurses are exhausted...  pleading for help in ICU wards...  the future looks grim.  The best we can do as citizens is to follow the recommendations of the CDC...  stay healthy and not add to the burden on our health care system.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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