Monday 28 December 2020

Rotisserie Chicken and Peter’s Hash

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Thermometer inched up a smidgen today...  winds calmer...  cold but tolerable...  made the trek to the market to pick up for Mom and fill in a few bits and bobs for us...  then over to her place to bring the groceries and spend some time...  mask on... hall doorway open.  

While Mom ate her supper with her aide...  we chatted...  sharing interesting stories and family updates.  She waits impatiently for her vaccine...  freeing her up to be with her friends again...  to be able to play bridge...  share meals in the restaurant...   and return to her yoga classes.

While we chatted the hubs sent a photo of his brunch...  eggs with spam, brussel sprout, onion and potato hash...  looked delicious...  asked him to make it again...  for supper.  So glad he agreed...  a delightful combination of ingredients melded into a smoky savory blend with just a poke of heat from ground Aleppo pepper and smoked Spanish paprika...  consumed alongside a rotisserie chicken from the market picked up on the way home. 

Four more days remain of 2020...  the virus still stealing souls...  over a hundred thousand Americans hospitalized...  this year has been difficult in a myriad of ways.  Over 300,000 families impacted by the death of loved ones...  isolation...  lack of human touch...  inability to socialize between generations...  families unable to see one another through the holidays.

But there have also been hidden blessings...  children baking and cooking with parents...  honing their skills in the kitchen...  families putting together puzzles...  making memories they’ll never forget...  folks developing hobbies and interests that they will carry with them throughout their lives.   Young people learning that the most valuable asset they have is family...  something we learn when we cannot access it with ease.  

The pandemic has been a stress filled tortuous experience...  it has magnified the problems in our country and the incompetence of our administration...  we have an opportunity to reshape America in the image we believe it should express...  let us not waste it 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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