Saturday 19 December 2020

Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf with Avocado Tomato Salad and Blistered Cherry Tomatoes

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

23°F on the thermometer tonite...  frigid times in the Frosted Apple (thanks Julia Nusbaum for that excellent title) the big high temp today... 32°F...   light wind...  brrrrr...  very cold 🥶 under bright blue skies...  nothing to keep the heat on the ground...  just lots of snow and ice.  Sure is pretty outside...  but brutal...  slipped out the door to throw out the trash...  in that short walk to the garbage...  a whole ten feet...  was chilled right through my sweater.  

Squirrels out today looking for food...   little bugger dug a 6” wide hole in the snow down to the ground right beneath the living room window...  paw prints up and down the lawn leading right to it...  must have a stash of nuts hidden in the bushes for safe keeping!   

Few folks outside...  shoveling out cars...  chipping ice off sidewalks...  pushing those who get stuck on icy patches of tarmac...  great day to stay inside...  sitting at the office desk... surrounded by 5 windows...  the sun warming the room just enough to feel comfortable...  makes work more pleasant.  

Supper tonite mozzarella stuffed meatloaf...  blistered cherry tomatoes...  avocado tomato salad with lime vinaigrette...  leftover pea soup...  a bit of Cabernet Sauvignon and the hubs nightly brew with coffee cake for two (hey, accidental rhyme 🙃)  followed by Kinky Boots streaming free this weekend on YouTube...  don’t miss it... excelllent show with a very timely message 😷💕

Covid continues to spread uncontrolled across the US...  tonite it was announced on the news that millions of Americans are planning to travel for the holidays to see family...  

Please reconsider...  we are so close to ending this pandemic...  several vaccines available...  two approved...  a risky decision might make it that much more deadly for so many...  please rethink holiday plans...  we are staying home...  having a meal with one another...  our kids are not joining us...  neither is family...  we will no drop off gifts, no contact...  briefly visit Mom with masks on...  we all hope to be alive to celebrate next year ❤️❤️❤️

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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