Thursday 10 December 2020

Chanukah Supper... Parmesan Chicken Tenders, Acorn Squash, Latkas and Applesauce

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Jackets required...  temps in the high 40’s feeling just a touch below warm...  the brisk breeze reminding that winter’s solstice is nearly upon us...   daylight becoming scarce as the Persephone phase reaches its peak...  but as she journeys back from the underworld the days lengthen and soon spring will be welcomed once again...  the renewal of life.

This mornings sunrise was spectacularly brilliant...   reds...  golds...  oranges...   fuchsias...  and violets gracing the horizon as the sun emerges from her sleep...  tree branches standing naked before the dawn beckoning with their arms to the suns arrival.   

Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate...  lighting the candles...  enjoying crisp potato latkas...  sweet applesauce...  Parmesan chicken (not quite the meal of my grandmother...  but a tasty version of chicken none the less) a half acorn squash bathed in agave nectar and baked till softened...  and a glass of wine to accompany the meal...   followed by coffee for the hubs and chocolates for us both...  a little Chanukah gelt for nourishment! 

In these dark times the lights of Chanukah remind us that miracles are still possible...  believing is seeing!   Stay safe...  mask up...   limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands!

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