Sunday 20 December 2020

Home Fries a la Dad... Stuffed Meatloaf and Blistered Cherry Tomatoes with Athina’s Xmas Cookies

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

 40°F!!   The deep freeze is finally ending!  The Big Defrosting Apple took a ride up the thermometer today...  streets had a chance to thaw...   sidewalks cleared of slippery ice...  the slow dripping of meltwater down the gutters creating a tic tic tic along the drainpipes...   no sun available... cloud cover a thick blanket keeping the city a bit warmer...  tonite there will be some refreezing as the temps dip into the low 30’s.  Birds out chattering in the trees...  saw a couple of squirrels running up and down the snowy grass digging for nuts...  a few folks out walking dogs in winter coats, hats and gloves...  minimal activity on a Sunday in NYC.

Brought groceries to Mom along with a few special requests by her aide for ingredients to prepare cheesecake and salmon to celebrate on Christmas Day.  We will stop by Christmas Eve to wish her well and drop off holiday gifts for her and her aide.  She is healthy...  waiting patiently for her turn to get vaccinated and feel safer resuming parts of her life.  The hubs...  unable to join us these past weeks...  chatted on the phone with her later in the day.

Supper was quick and easy after returning late from delivery and visiting...  leftover stuffed meatloaf and blistered cherry tomatoes...  with home fries...   my favorite way to eat potatoes...  Dad’s recipe...   the hubs preferring his meatloaf and tomatoes served over sweet potato mash...  dessert a delicious mix of fabulous Greek Christmas cookies from our friend and neighbor next door...  amazing baker and cook! 

There is much false information being put out as “fact” regarding the safety of the vaccines for Covid...  please choose to listen to your Doctor and not a friend online or television personality.  If you have questions about the safety of the vaccines,  please refer to the myriad of public information available from the FDA and the CDC...  as well as the scientific study results publicly available to read...  finally speak with your health care provider about your specific situation.   The pandemic will end with all of us continuing to stay safe, mask up, limit social interactions and wash those germy hands...   while the vaccine is made available free to anyone who wants it...  it will not stop the virus unless we all have faith that it will protect us and get the shot! Please do your part to get educated 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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