Monday 28 December 2020

Pizza Night

 Quarantine supper tonite...  live from NYC...  

Today’s word...   balmy...  50°F today...  thermometer crashing down tonite...  below freezing...   Big Apple bipolar weather...  a new pattern...  sunny skies...  light breeze...  perfect errand day...  squirrels out and about digging everywhere for stored nuts.  

Did you know...  squirrels can smell acorns buried in the ground?  They don’t recall where they buried their nuts...  they dig up any nuts...   so effectively they share the stash of all nuts.  Humans could learn a lot from squirrels...  share...  save a snack for a cold snowy day...  sleep a lot in cold months...  climb trees...  talk to the neighbors...  have a couple of places to sleep in case one blows away...  hide from danger and always sleep in pairs for warmth.  

Saw a gaggle of geese today...  they all honk to encourage the one in front to keep pace...  they take turns being the leader...  it’s hard work being the one to set the pace and cut through the wind for the rest...  lots of encouragement...  people can be like that...  encouraging... setting the pace...  letting others take turns.

The young cashier in the store apologized after she filled four balloons for another customer...  “Sorry for the delay”...  “no rush” I said... she smiled...  “thanks...  some people”...  I finished her sentence...  “are in a hurry”...  it was all unsaid...  she glowed.  Leave everything a little bit better than you find it ❤️

Pizza night...  delicate crust...  shredded mozzarella...  oven roasted tomatoes with salt, pepper and basil...   another layer of shredded mozzarella...  bake in cast iron for 25 minutes at  450°F...  scrumptious.

Covid stats on the rise again in NY...  current positivity rate 8%...  that’s up from <1% in September...  mask up folks...  no shortcuts...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 

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