Wednesday 10 June 2020

Tune Poke and Fruit & Cheese Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

The heat is slowly creeping back into the Big Apple... the temperature climbed into the 80's today dragging the humidity with it.  We were fortunate to have bright sunshine and so much of the dampness burned off through the day.  But as night fell the air grew heavy with the approaching storms.  We are slated to have rain tonight and thundershowers tomorrow... remnants of Cristobal...

Today was my lucky day... my colorist made a housecall... well, really a deck call... and voilà... my greys are no longer.  It's been more than five months since she has graced my home and my locks have missed her dreadfully.  Last time we saw one another it was January...  who knew it would be June before we met again.  I would've hugged her but... 😷

So instead it was a masked coloring... and my neighbors (and anyone else driving by... we live on a main through street) all got to watch me as she gooped me up.  Frankly I didn't care if they saw... the greys were taking over and I was desperate to have them gone... and to help her out... she is in business for herself and these past three months have been brutal for her here in NYC... so on top of her price I gave her a big tip and suggested to all my neighbors who are all in the same boat to give her a buzz...

She is an immigrant from Eastern Europe.  Her comment on the current political and viral situation saddened me... grocery shopping now reminds her of growing up in her country of birth... an unpleasant memory.  Please  be careful out there folks... 21 states that have reopened are seeing increased virus cases since Memorial Day... stay safe & healthy.

Knowing she was coming around supper time the hubs and I needed a snack, so just prior to her arrival I put a quick fruit and cheese tray together for us to nosh on (with Line 39 Sauvignon Blanc) and made the NYTimes tuna poke (added cucumbers and subbed chives from the herb garden for the scallions which I didn't have... it worked) and popped it into the fridge for an after hairdo late supper.  It was delicious... salty, with a hit of acid... the umami taste of the fish, sesame oil & seeds balanced it perfectly.  Great recipe by Sam Sifton... well worth the $12/lb sushi grade tuna... served it on endive leaves with iced cranberry tea...  cooling and fast.
How was your day? And what's on your plate?  Any thoughts?

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