Saturday 27 June 2020

Baklava Rolls

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Rain...  humidity...  a speck of sun, a tease... more rain... increasing humidity...  finally the rain ends... a brief sunset but everything is wet...  the humidity is thick as fog... ugh... if we are lucky tomorrow the sun will grace us with her presence and we will burn off some of this oppressive muck...

Supper tonite was me not in the mood to cook... so I made baklava rolls with the leftover pieces of phyllo from the Spanakopita.  It was straightforward, easy to assemble and quick... the hubs and I were thrilled with the results... after our supper of red beans and kielbasa, we ate two pieces each.

Isn't it odd how it can be fun to bake even when I don't feel like cooking?   Do you feel that way too?  Sometimes I just run out of ideas of what to make for supper although I have thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of recipes ready and waiting...

The news on the epidemic is not good... family & friends who live in states other than NY & the tri-state area are becoming increasingly frightened... we are concerned for their health and safety.  Please be safe out there folks 😥
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

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