Friday 26 June 2020

Leftover Grilled Chicken & Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
It was another hot one here in the Big Apple...  temperatures at a nudge less than 90°F...  but the odds have been ever in our favor and thus far the humidity has remained low.   The skies were bright blue with wisps of clouds drifting along as the hubs worked out in the yard replacing a warped board at the edge of the deck.

Off to the market I went for the weekly shop picking up groceries for myself and Mom.  It's has become much less stressful now that we have a system in place.  I have learned that a small amount of kitchen rearranging prior to leaving for the market decreases the workload when I return... clearing off the kitchen table and countertops makes for a quick clean up later as bare flat surfaces are easy to disinfect.  I have also switched from using chlorine bleach solution to peroxide.  It leaves no scent behind and dries harmlessly into water and oxygen... no more sore throats from too much bleach fumes.

Supper was a melange of leftovers from the weeks meals...  our grilled chicken from last night played well with leftover asparagus hash... a light sauce of crema for the chicken made the meal just different enough.  An appetizer of olive tapenade hummus and chips with a cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc preceded supper giving myself & the hubs time to relax and chat about the widening pandemic spread, and our worry over loved ones in other states now seeing their numbers spike...   45,000 new cases just today...  we are concerned and distressed as we see this trend... another wave in NYC could be disastrous...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

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