Sunday 7 June 2020

French Bread & Antipasto Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was a heat blast... 88°F and 80% humidity in the early afternoon... felt like a wet blanket suffocating the skin... every movement made me sweat (ah yes, ladies don't sweat... we perspire)...  by 3:00pm thunderstorms arrived.  

Suddenly the sky darkened and the winds picked up... gusts of 40mph rushed by... the trees began to bend, their leaves flapping wildly.  It began to drizzle at first... we flew into the house bringing in Mr Sam...  running around lowering windows.  It was as dark as night in what seemed like only a moment... then the rain came down in earnest... small hail pitter pattering on the deck and roof.  It was riotous... thunder crashing over the house in deafening reverberations... lightening shooting across the blackened sky...  for fifteen minutes it ravaged the landscape and then as suddenly as it had come it was over and blue skies emerged followed by a cool refreshing breeze.  I love thunderstorms... don't you?

With lower temperatures and humidity at delightful levels it was time to make the bread.  Tomorrow we go to visit Mom and we would like to bring her a fresh loaf as a treat.  Using the King Arthur flour "easiest loaf of bread you'll ever bake" recipe (halved, as my loaf pans are skinny) was simple and fast.  It yielded two loaves of french style bread... this time I coated them in olive oil to get that extra crispy crust.

The hubs continued his outside repairs to our front portico which had sustained water damage over the years... our house will celebrate its 100th birthday in 2027.

Dinner was prefaced by a platter of mozzerella, tomato, basil, salami, artichoke hearts, tomato jam and crackers (with wine of course... we finished off the Bordeaux).  Perch coated in a lemon pepper crust with tater tots and a fresh green salad rounded out the meal.

How was your day? And what's on your plate?  Please share your thoughts 💞

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