Sunday 7 June 2020

Dutch Baby, Spicy Chicken Thighs & Pico de Gallo

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
FOOD GIFT:   Andrea made pico de gallo today and gave us some to enjoy with our supper...  its delicious 😋

We are so fortunate to have her in our lives... she is a blessing... and turning out to be an excellent cook!  Making chicken thighs, roasted potatoes and a Dutch baby for supper... photos to follow later... happy cooking y'all 💞

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Today it was super humid... rainy... hot and just plain miserable... couldn't even let Mr Sam out on the deck for his daily sun bath (no sun... only rain)  the hubs did some more work on the wood floor, adding another layer of wax... it is coming out so beautiful...the kitchen called out beckoning... come and cook...

Thus was born my first Dutch baby.  The NYTimes recipe worked perfectly (I admit I added a bit of vanilla and a pinch of salt... ok ok... so it wasn't exactly that recipe... but that recipe was the basis) and I was so pleased with the result.  It had been a toss up between the Dutch baby or Yorkshire pudding and this was kind of both... delicious... and surprisingly easy.  

Supper was chicken thighs, the delicious salsa Andrea gifted us earlier, a bit of the tomato jam made last week, a baked yam and a crisp green salad.  Served alongside a lovely Bordeaux and finished off with our Dutch baby...

Trying to focus on food a bit more as we worry about the resurgence of the virus in parts of the country... hoping that the protests don't fuel the virus... hoping that the message isn't lost among the small acts of violence amidst the hundreds of thousands marching in all 50 states and over 20 foreign countries... hoping that folks understand the Why...
How was your day? And what's on your plate? Please share your thoughts 💞

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