Sunday 14 June 2020

Tasso & Spatchcocked Chicken

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
It was spectacular today... low humidity (feeling human again) bright skies... temps in the low to mid 70's... thank goodness we have these stunning days in between the mugwump of heat and humidity so we can wring ourselves out a bit from the constant sweat (ooops... there's that word again, ladies, we perspire... right?) and two to three showers daily.

Today the hubs smoked a pork loin for four hours and now I finally have my missing ingredient for my New Orleans recipes... Tasso!!   That mix of flavors and aromas that just cannot come from anything else...  just the scent of the finished loin in the kitchen post smoke brought back instant memories of our last trip to that incredible foodie paradise.   Three days ago I gingerly rubbed the spice mix all over... covered it with waxed paper and put it in the back of the fridge to think about it's future as an amazing ingredient... and  today it was ready.  When I opened the fridge and checked, it said, "take me to Bourbon Street".  I am so happy I could just dance... we had planned to do this for the last three years but never made the time... now was that time!

Spatchcocked chicken cooked on the grill... the hubs did a super job cooking our bird... crispy skin... moist juicy flesh... liberally seasoned with Adobo, garlic powder, black pepper and olive oil...  perfectly paired with sides brought by our dinner companions... potato salad, tomato olive and prosciutto appetizer... we added a fresh green salad and homemade naan from last nights bake... and a special treat... a bottle of LaMarca Prosecco
brought along by our friends to celebrate the lowest COVID numbers in NYC  so far (hoping they stay low as we gingerly reopen phase one for a second week). Dessert of fruit salad and a nice fire rounded out the evening as we sat on the deck chatting about politics... protests... campaign rallies and virus stats.

How was your day?  What's on your plate? Thoughts?
What special projects have you made time for?

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