Thursday 18 June 2020

Pulled Pork & Fruit Salad

Quarantine activities of the day... Live from NYC...
I have been struggling each and every time I do the food shopping to fit my Mom's groceries and mine in my fridge.  There's plenty of freezer space cause we have a full size freezer in the basement... but the fridge space was always tight.  (After I shop I hold Moms stuff for three days for her safety) Last week I tried shopping for each of us on different days but that only made my stress levels rise and I still ran out of my own groceries too early.

I thought about buying another fridge, but we have NO room.... then I remembered that we still had the small fridge we bought our son when he went to college... stored in the attic.  We brought it down and cleaned it up... plugged it in and it worked!! It fit ALL Moms groceries.

Sometimes we have the solution right in front of us...  but we just don't see it.  I think life is like that... solutions are screaming at us to LOOK but we see only through our preconceived lenses and so the solutions evade us.  If we THINK before we act... if we SHARE our gifts with others... if we embrace kindness and compassion...  maybe all the other solutions that are screaming LOOK will finally be seen... just like that extra little fridge in the attic.

The Big Apple is going into phase 2 on Monday... I am thrilled and terrified all at once.  This will return another 150,000 to 200,000 folks to their jobs and permit restaurants to serve outside with socially distant tables.  So far so good... as long as our fellow NYers behave themselves and wear masks (except when eating) we may succeed at re-opening.  Our governor is considering not allowing tourists back in NY for a while longer as the virus is ramping up in many other states.  We are all on pins and needles as this grand experiment moves forward.

We had pulled pork tonite... a gift from our neighbors who somehow ended up with a 40 lb haunch of pork shoulder (lucky ducks) and leftover Spanakopita from last night (which warmed up perfectly in the toaster oven) along with this delightful fruit salad.  No wine tonite (gasp 😳) but instead had iced black tea with grape juice and lemon (my Grandma's recipe which I adore) and supper out on the deck.

The humidity is rising once again and my hair is back it it's anit-frizz ponytail.  Tomorrow is going to be even warmer still as we edge toward the hazy hot humid days of summer.  Ugh, can't wait?
How was your day? What's on your plate? Thoughts?

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