Friday 12 June 2020


Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
The weather today was sunny and bright with a few puffy clouds sailing by on the light breeze.  The humidity was comfortably dry despite the 85°F thermometer reading.  The hubs was able to get back to his project outside rebuilding our front portico while the food foray went ahead.  Our local market has been pretty well stocked and so that was the place to venture out to on this glorious day... hand sanitizer in my pocket and mask on.

Most folks here in the Big Apple have been through the mill emotionally for the past three months and so it behooves us all to be gentle with one another... especially at the market where we are closer than we would like to be...  all touching the same items nervously.  My first encounter was with a young fellow in one of the grocery aisles... it's hard to hear through the double layer cotton mask so I try to project a bit to be heard.  As I approached him in the aisle I said, "Excuse me" (I was trying to pass behind him as he blocked the aisle with his cart & body) and waited.  He stepped forward, but not far enough for me to pass without brushing hard against his back... which I didn't want to do (it would've been so rude) so I said, "Excuse me sir, could you let me pass?"  Instead of moving out of the way he turned and sarcastically said, "Welcome to the grocery store... just go on by... what's your problem... protesting in the supermarket lady?"  I thought of so many angry retorts, but i shook my head and passed by without a word... so sad 😥

As I was checking out at the self serve register a lady at the next counter began to argue with a young girl being helped before her at that same register... refusing to back 6' away from her, pulling down her own mask to yell and generally making a scene... on her way out she hollered, "I'm never coming back here" the poor gal turned to me all teary eyed asking what did she do wrong... both the cashier and I said... "nothing, we hope she never comes back here".

Most folks are so nice... considerate... trying really hard to socially distance... even in the market...  wearing face masks... being super polite and courteous.  It is a shock to engage in any way with angry people acting out their frustrations on strangers... and disappointing to see it happening here in NYC where we have all been in this morass together trying hard not to get ourselves or other sick. Ok... ok...  rant over...

After my outing I decided to make my first attempt at naan.  By the time I got back home the dough had risen beautifully... at least three times the size of the original.  The frying up went very well and we  shared the first four with our next door neighbors, Athina & Peter, who invited us over for taco & beer night.  It was so lovely to sit outside, relax, have some food and chat with dear friends whom we have known for over 25 years.
How was your day? What's on your plate? Any thoughts?

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