Tuesday 30 June 2020

Watermelon Feta Cucumber Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was a warm, dry day with blue skies and puffy clouds slowly moving by on a light breeze.  The high temperature was in the low 80's...  the AC is now shut off on the 2nd floor bedrooms and an exhaust fan is bringing in the cool night air... don't you prefer sleeping in a fresh breeze?  It feels so comforting and pleasant rather than the conditioned air of the AC unit.

AT&T's local tower disaster continues into today...  thank goodness for FaceTime & WhatsApp... new ways to conduct sessions by thinking outside the box allowed me to feel more relaxed today and let go of the stress of no cell service.

The hubs worked with our son today putting up sheet rock and getting their 2nd floor ready for spackling and painting.  He was pleased to be able to finish up his job early and giv an assist.

Supper was very late tonite, eating after the guys finished up their work and the hubs came home to shower...  leftover turkey loaf accompanied by a refreshing watermelon salad... such a quick and easy one to put together.  Of course we enjoyed a glass of wine <red for him and white for me>...  followed by a slice each of the ugliest Raspberry Almond Olive Oil Cake ever.

I have decided that the recipe was flawed... I checked it over several times and can find no error in following its instructions.  It is doomed to the circular file.

Dr Fauci testified before congress today... hearing that we might hit 100,000 cases per day in the next few weeks is terrifying...   as is the PICU syndrome <a form of PTSD and traumatic brain injury combined> folks are discovering after being hospitalized and vented for COVID.  PLEASE take the warnings seriously folks... share your thoughts with your loved ones... we must try to keep everyone alive that we can through this crisis ❤️
How was your day?  What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Monday 29 June 2020

Almond Olive Oil Raspberry Cake Fiasco

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was frustration day... apparently AT&T had a cell tower malfunction right near our home and so for most of Sunday and all of today we had no cell service.  Normally that wouldn't be an issue, however Mom has 'the button' (you know the button... 'I've fallen and I can't get up').

If she has a fall the company calls my cell right after they call 911.  If I don't answer they call our son next... so today, with no cell service (thank goodness texting worked due to wifi) our son had to alert me via text if he got 'the call'. Fortunately nothing happened...

As a side, I couldn't call clients for our weekly meetings...  some of them don't have access to video chat and rely on good old fashioned telephone calls.  Thanks AT&T   ~sarcasm intended~

I thought I would make a delicious Almond Olive Oil Raspberry Cake to accompany our supper.  Tried a new recipe and it poured out of the cake pan and onto the sheet tray (thank goodness it was under the cake pan) overflowing like a river of batter.  I gasped watching through the glass door of the oven.  After it finished baking and cooling I cut off the overflow & took the cake out of the pan...  the overflowed batter tasted like a light airy cookie...  very tasty...  the cake was light and airy as well...  it was supposed to be more dense.  I reread the recipe to make sure I didn't mess up but it was exactly correct.  Anyone have an idea what happened?

The hubs had a similar day... instead of only working three days (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) this week he is scheduled for four days excluding Friday.  He was frustrated... he wants to help our son with his upstairs renovation and now might be delayed.... ugh

After our mutually dissatisfying days it was time for comfort food... cheesy turkey meatloaf with a big crisp salad and our first harvest of snap peas warmed just a tad... no seasoning except the freshness of the garden... and of course a slice of the ugliest Almond Olive Oil cake ever made 😂🤣😅
Are the planets all in retrograde or something for all of 2020?  Yikes!!

The WHO declared today that the pandemic is ramping up all over the world as we pass the awful milestone of 500,000 deaths worldwide... 25% of them right here in America.  Governor Cuomo has delayed the reopening of Phase  3....  Please stay safe everyone... masks on and wash those hands! 💞
How was your day? (Better than mine I hope) What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Saturday 27 June 2020

Baklava Rolls

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Rain...  humidity...  a speck of sun, a tease... more rain... increasing humidity...  finally the rain ends... a brief sunset but everything is wet...  the humidity is thick as fog... ugh... if we are lucky tomorrow the sun will grace us with her presence and we will burn off some of this oppressive muck...

Supper tonite was me not in the mood to cook... so I made baklava rolls with the leftover pieces of phyllo from the Spanakopita.  It was straightforward, easy to assemble and quick... the hubs and I were thrilled with the results... after our supper of red beans and kielbasa, we ate two pieces each.

Isn't it odd how it can be fun to bake even when I don't feel like cooking?   Do you feel that way too?  Sometimes I just run out of ideas of what to make for supper although I have thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of recipes ready and waiting...

The news on the epidemic is not good... family & friends who live in states other than NY & the tri-state area are becoming increasingly frightened... we are concerned for their health and safety.  Please be safe out there folks 😥
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Friday 26 June 2020

Leftover Grilled Chicken & Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
It was another hot one here in the Big Apple...  temperatures at a nudge less than 90°F...  but the odds have been ever in our favor and thus far the humidity has remained low.   The skies were bright blue with wisps of clouds drifting along as the hubs worked out in the yard replacing a warped board at the edge of the deck.

Off to the market I went for the weekly shop picking up groceries for myself and Mom.  It's has become much less stressful now that we have a system in place.  I have learned that a small amount of kitchen rearranging prior to leaving for the market decreases the workload when I return... clearing off the kitchen table and countertops makes for a quick clean up later as bare flat surfaces are easy to disinfect.  I have also switched from using chlorine bleach solution to peroxide.  It leaves no scent behind and dries harmlessly into water and oxygen... no more sore throats from too much bleach fumes.

Supper was a melange of leftovers from the weeks meals...  our grilled chicken from last night played well with leftover asparagus hash... a light sauce of crema for the chicken made the meal just different enough.  An appetizer of olive tapenade hummus and chips with a cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc preceded supper giving myself & the hubs time to relax and chat about the widening pandemic spread, and our worry over loved ones in other states now seeing their numbers spike...   45,000 new cases just today...  we are concerned and distressed as we see this trend... another wave in NYC could be disastrous...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Thursday 25 June 2020

Shawna's Grilled Chicken & Carol's birthday

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today's weather was HOT but thankfully humidity in the, "OK i can deal with this heat" range... now that we have the AC on it is a pleasure to venture out into the garden to weed, plant and harvest because I can cool off when the heat overwhelms my sensibilities.  Instead of flowers this year we have planted a Victory Garden.

The snap peas are producing... I can see tomatoes and eggplants for the first time this week...  something is munching away on my Brussels sprout leaves...  grrrr.... the basil is growing taller and bushier daily...  my french breakfast radishes are almost ready (tasted a couple of longer specimens... spicy!) the spinach is coming up and the herbs are flourishing 😊 All in all a good harvest appears promised.

Today was the birthday of a very dear friend and NYTCC member, Carol Kolinger...  we hosted her for supper out on the deck... social distancing...  she is a COVID survivor. We grilled marinated chicken... we call it Shawna's chicken (Colorado DIL) because it's a riff on her recipe (we make it often)...  wrapped yams in foil and baked them on the grill...  accompanied by a crisp green salad, a glass of Malbec and the last of the banana bread to celebrate.

It was a delightful evening spent chatting and catching up... we hadn't seen each other since January... so glad to renew valued friendships and socialize safely.  We all shared our grief about the pandemics spread among the US and our worry that is may return to the Big Apple anytime.  Stay safe & healthy everyone 💞
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Victory Garden First Harvest

Quarantine activities of the day...  live from NYC...
French radishes...  snap peas...  our first vegetables harvested from the garden during this really odd year.  Normally I would plant flowers which we would enjoy during April, May & June prior to leaving for the heat of the summer...  this summer we are staying put here in the Big Apple as the pandemic rages on throughout much of the US...  so we decided to plant a Victory Garden instead.  It's been a labor of love tending to the shoots as they first peeked their heads above ground... to now when they are ready.  We ate the first two snap peas standing there next to the bush... they were sweet and crunchy.  We shared each one enjoying its fresh flavor.  Tomorrow afternoon we will enjoy the radishes dipped in a bit of pink Himalayan salt with lunch.  Our tomato plants are coming along nicely and we have discovered that tiny green caterpillars, inch worms, are munching the leaves of the Brussels sprouts we have planted in the garden... hopefully they will turn into butterflies soon and leave the sprouts to us.
How was your day? What's growing in your garden?

Asparagus Pancetta Potato Hash Anniversary Supper

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Good weather tonite... the afternoon was hot but by 7:30pm the thermometer had dipped below 80°F and the humidity was a delightful 34%... the hubs and I dined on the deck enjoying Asparagus Pancetta  Potato Hash (no Pancetta, subbed bacon - worked well - Smitten Kitchen) with grilled shell steaks and a chilled glass of Grandmas iced tea with grape juice and lemon.  The hubs finished off with a piece of our rapidly disappearing banana bread.

It was a fitting celebration for the anniversary of our first date (our marriage anniversary is in November) we like to mark both...  it gives us a reason to have a  fancy supper in June...  often a wine pairing dinner at Ruth's Chris...

Our Governor and the Governors of New Jersey & Connecticut have enacted mandatory two week quarantines for anyone visiting from a COVID hotspot.  In NY that ruling is accompanied by a $10,000 fine for anyone who breaks quarantine.  It is a grim reminder of the chaos that the virus is causing in our country.  I am saddened to see the numbers spiking in Arizona, Texas, Oaklahoma, California, Florida, Georgia... and so many others.  I worry about all of you and hope that you are taking care of yourselves  😘💞

How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Sunday 21 June 2020

Quarantine Father's Day

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
On Saturday the hubs and our son spent the day installing a split AC system in the second floor bedrooms... it was a loooong tiring day that began at 10am and ended at midnight. The two guys worked in bright sunshine and 88°F heat sweating and exhausted as the day wore on... I helped out with lots of cold beverages... iced green tea... water... water... and more water... while they worked tirelessly to finish what surely was an enormous job.

Breakfasts of egg and cheese sandwiches passed by around noon... their first break... Spanakopita eaten out of hand for a late lunch... and finally a very late supper... appetizers of delicious cheese empanadas (gifted by guests,DIL folks) followed by London broil and sausages with NYTimes black bean corn salad and a crisp green salad... and of course lots and lots of wine 🍷 DIL brought a fabulous tiramisu cake (the hubs and my favorite) for dessert served alongside espresso, lattes and coffee ☕️.

It was a delightful evening... desperately needed by the two exhausted men  after working so hard throughout such a hot sunny day... what better a Fathers Day gift than the gift of time, effort & love...

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there...  we appreciate the efforts you put in to take care of your families and to love your partners and kids...
All our love to you on your special day ♥️♥️♥️

Thursday 18 June 2020

Pulled Pork & Fruit Salad

Quarantine activities of the day... Live from NYC...
I have been struggling each and every time I do the food shopping to fit my Mom's groceries and mine in my fridge.  There's plenty of freezer space cause we have a full size freezer in the basement... but the fridge space was always tight.  (After I shop I hold Moms stuff for three days for her safety) Last week I tried shopping for each of us on different days but that only made my stress levels rise and I still ran out of my own groceries too early.

I thought about buying another fridge, but we have NO room.... then I remembered that we still had the small fridge we bought our son when he went to college... stored in the attic.  We brought it down and cleaned it up... plugged it in and it worked!! It fit ALL Moms groceries.

Sometimes we have the solution right in front of us...  but we just don't see it.  I think life is like that... solutions are screaming at us to LOOK but we see only through our preconceived lenses and so the solutions evade us.  If we THINK before we act... if we SHARE our gifts with others... if we embrace kindness and compassion...  maybe all the other solutions that are screaming LOOK will finally be seen... just like that extra little fridge in the attic.

The Big Apple is going into phase 2 on Monday... I am thrilled and terrified all at once.  This will return another 150,000 to 200,000 folks to their jobs and permit restaurants to serve outside with socially distant tables.  So far so good... as long as our fellow NYers behave themselves and wear masks (except when eating) we may succeed at re-opening.  Our governor is considering not allowing tourists back in NY for a while longer as the virus is ramping up in many other states.  We are all on pins and needles as this grand experiment moves forward.

We had pulled pork tonite... a gift from our neighbors who somehow ended up with a 40 lb haunch of pork shoulder (lucky ducks) and leftover Spanakopita from last night (which warmed up perfectly in the toaster oven) along with this delightful fruit salad.  No wine tonite (gasp 😳) but instead had iced black tea with grape juice and lemon (my Grandma's recipe which I adore) and supper out on the deck.

The humidity is rising once again and my hair is back it it's anit-frizz ponytail.  Tomorrow is going to be even warmer still as we edge toward the hazy hot humid days of summer.  Ugh, can't wait?
How was your day? What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Spanakopita & Mezze Platter

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today the humidity began to creep back into the Big Apple in the afternoon... the sun peeked out from behind thickening clouds less and less as the day wore on.  As night fell the dampness was palpable but thankfully the temperature remained moderate. The winds shifted from northerly to the southeasterly and my hair began to frizz as the moisture levels arrived on the wind.

The hubs worked until early afternoon arriving home before the rush.  After disinfection and a scrubbing in the shower we found a few brief moments on the deck to chat before he went off to nap and I found my way into the kitchen.  

I have been wanting to tackle phyllo for many moons but hesitated due to the multi layering and buttering of the thin wispy sheets.  The NYTimes Skillet Spanakopita by Alexa Weibel seemed doable and so I decided to finally take the plunge.  A comment on the recipe (by a Greek cook) indicated that it could be baked in a 9X13 pan with a few minor changes... and so here are the results of my efforts... 

A pan of delicious Spanakopita that actually tasted like the ones I have had here in NYC Greek restaurants!   It wasn't as difficult as I imagined, though I did need to melt an entire stick of butter to cover those 16 sheets of phyllo.  The hubs raved saying it was delicious and ate three pieces (I ate two myself) and we still have more than half a tray left for another meal.  Brava Alexa... your recipe was terrific! 

Alongside the Spanakopita we enjoyed a mezze platter of homemade Baba ghanouj, genoa salami, crackers, blueberries and cherries with a delicious semi soft Greek cheese...  accompanies by a full bodied Malbec.  After supper we settled down to watch Appolo 13 (gotta love Tom Hanks)
How was your day?  What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Cheese & Parsley Sausage with Baked Pasta Cheesy Bolognese

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Another stunner... we have had five days of glorious weather... temperatures in the low to mid 70's...  humidity in the "feelin' fresh all day" range.   It's been such a pleasure being dry and comfie these past days. We are enjoying every minute of it as the weekend looms with high temps and high humidity... ugh.

Today the hubs was home (yay) finishing up his work on the portico.  It really is nice having him around...  something I never thought I would say when we both worked 🤣😅😂...  it's been an adjustment... but now that we have adjusted I miss him when he's off to the job for his three days a week.

Last nights bolognese with melted cheese made for a meaty accompaniment to sausages with cheese and parsley from one of our local markets.  Served alongside a crisp green salad and the rest of the bottle of Prosecco from our weekend barbecue, it made for a filling and simple meal.
The hubs had tea and a piece of the remaining half of the Almond Lemon Tart for dessert... I was too full, but will enjoy my piece later.
How was your day?  What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Monday 15 June 2020

Pasta Bolognese

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Our weather has been so delightful on repeat the past three days.  We are enjoying the break from soaring temperatures and stifling humidity.  It will be back in force by weeks end and that's not a song I'm looking forward to singing.

Phase one has begun in NYC.  The hubs returned to work part time today.  Neither of us was psyched about it... but it is time to venture forth and peek out of the bubble into the rest of the world and see what life has become.
I am still working from home via video chat or phone calls... my kind of work (face to face interaction) won't resume until we reach phase 4... a looong way off.

When the hubs returned home he was stressed... not so much from the work...  more the interactions with others who seemed cavalier about the risk of infection.  It never ceases to amaze how folks can forget the horror here in  NYC we all witnessed over the past three and a half months...

He scrubbed off in the shower and we shared a good stiff drink to wash away the days angst.  There's nothing better than a plate of pasta with bolognese sauce after a hard day, covered with shredded cheese...  it soothes the soul and fills the tummy.  This one came out especially comforting...  the sauce made with a whole carmelized vidalia onion, minced garlic, a splash of white wine, over a pound of ground sirloin, homegrown thyme and bay leaves, and a good shake of marash pepper.  It had a nice kick without losing that deep tomato flavor.
Finished off the meal with a slice of almond lemon tart from last night and a coffee for the hubs...
How was your day?  What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Sunday 14 June 2020

Pan Baked Lemon Almond Tart

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Another spectacular day here in the Big Apple... temperatures in the mid seventies... humidity in the 'no need to wring out' range... bright skies... a light breeze... a pleasure all around.  We need to enjoy every minute of it because by weeks end we will be back in sweatland at 85° and 70% humidity...

Went to visit Grandma today... bringing her groceries and spending time chatting and catching her up on our week while she shares hers with us.  We were able to sit with the sliding glass doors open to provide her safety while we visit.  I so want to take her home to my house so she will have us for company each day, but it's not safe for her to be here yet... patience... it's hard... but patience...

A month or so back I ordered Almond flour on the internet thinking it was a good value for 12 ounces (should have checked the weight... was it EVER a good value) 4 lbs later and I'm looking for recipes using almond flour besides the Almond cookies I made back then...  so today I made the NYTimes Pan Baked Lemon Almond Tart by Mark Bittman...  one of the cooks notes indicated a few changes to the recipe which appealed to me (one less egg and increase the almond flour to 1 1/2 cups) didn't have any slivered Almonds and no substitute but it worked fine without... WOW ... what a delight... moist... lemony... light... not overly sweet... will definitely make it again.
Recipe:  https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1012809-pan-baked-lemon-almond-tart
How was your day? What's on your plate?  Thoughts?

Tasso & Spatchcocked Chicken

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
It was spectacular today... low humidity (feeling human again) bright skies... temps in the low to mid 70's... thank goodness we have these stunning days in between the mugwump of heat and humidity so we can wring ourselves out a bit from the constant sweat (ooops... there's that word again, ladies, we perspire... right?) and two to three showers daily.

Today the hubs smoked a pork loin for four hours and now I finally have my missing ingredient for my New Orleans recipes... Tasso!!   That mix of flavors and aromas that just cannot come from anything else...  just the scent of the finished loin in the kitchen post smoke brought back instant memories of our last trip to that incredible foodie paradise.   Three days ago I gingerly rubbed the spice mix all over... covered it with waxed paper and put it in the back of the fridge to think about it's future as an amazing ingredient... and  today it was ready.  When I opened the fridge and checked, it said, "take me to Bourbon Street".  I am so happy I could just dance... we had planned to do this for the last three years but never made the time... now was that time!

Spatchcocked chicken cooked on the grill... the hubs did a super job cooking our bird... crispy skin... moist juicy flesh... liberally seasoned with Adobo, garlic powder, black pepper and olive oil...  perfectly paired with sides brought by our dinner companions... potato salad, tomato olive and prosciutto appetizer... we added a fresh green salad and homemade naan from last nights bake... and a special treat... a bottle of LaMarca Prosecco
brought along by our friends to celebrate the lowest COVID numbers in NYC  so far (hoping they stay low as we gingerly reopen phase one for a second week). Dessert of fruit salad and a nice fire rounded out the evening as we sat on the deck chatting about politics... protests... campaign rallies and virus stats.

How was your day?  What's on your plate? Thoughts?
What special projects have you made time for?

Friday 12 June 2020


Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
The weather today was sunny and bright with a few puffy clouds sailing by on the light breeze.  The humidity was comfortably dry despite the 85°F thermometer reading.  The hubs was able to get back to his project outside rebuilding our front portico while the food foray went ahead.  Our local market has been pretty well stocked and so that was the place to venture out to on this glorious day... hand sanitizer in my pocket and mask on.

Most folks here in the Big Apple have been through the mill emotionally for the past three months and so it behooves us all to be gentle with one another... especially at the market where we are closer than we would like to be...  all touching the same items nervously.  My first encounter was with a young fellow in one of the grocery aisles... it's hard to hear through the double layer cotton mask so I try to project a bit to be heard.  As I approached him in the aisle I said, "Excuse me" (I was trying to pass behind him as he blocked the aisle with his cart & body) and waited.  He stepped forward, but not far enough for me to pass without brushing hard against his back... which I didn't want to do (it would've been so rude) so I said, "Excuse me sir, could you let me pass?"  Instead of moving out of the way he turned and sarcastically said, "Welcome to the grocery store... just go on by... what's your problem... protesting in the supermarket lady?"  I thought of so many angry retorts, but i shook my head and passed by without a word... so sad 😥

As I was checking out at the self serve register a lady at the next counter began to argue with a young girl being helped before her at that same register... refusing to back 6' away from her, pulling down her own mask to yell and generally making a scene... on her way out she hollered, "I'm never coming back here" the poor gal turned to me all teary eyed asking what did she do wrong... both the cashier and I said... "nothing, we hope she never comes back here".

Most folks are so nice... considerate... trying really hard to socially distance... even in the market...  wearing face masks... being super polite and courteous.  It is a shock to engage in any way with angry people acting out their frustrations on strangers... and disappointing to see it happening here in NYC where we have all been in this morass together trying hard not to get ourselves or other sick. Ok... ok...  rant over...

After my outing I decided to make my first attempt at naan.  By the time I got back home the dough had risen beautifully... at least three times the size of the original.  The frying up went very well and we  shared the first four with our next door neighbors, Athina & Peter, who invited us over for taco & beer night.  It was so lovely to sit outside, relax, have some food and chat with dear friends whom we have known for over 25 years.
How was your day? What's on your plate? Any thoughts?

Cajun Andouille & Black Beans

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
And it rained... and rained... and the clouds shook with the crack of thunder and the lightening ripped across the skies...  the humidity soared and the people perspired (sorry, I sweat... especially in the kitchen) and the sun hid its shining face from the Big Apple...

Today was THAT day... ugh... thank goodness the temperatures didn't soar as well... apparently the rain accompanied by heavy cloud cover took care of keeping the heat away!  Today was supposed to be food shopping but the heavy rains made the unpacking portion of the trip impossible and thus the food foray was postponed until tomorrow when the skies will be bright and the rains gone.

The hubs couldn't continue his projects today as the dampness makes floor polishing impossible and the rain wouldn't permit him to do anything outside... except possibly get drenched.

Thus there was time to fuss over supper... Cajun andouille with black beans, sautéed onions and garlic cooked in a crushed tomato white wine sauce...  spicy, smokey, delicious...  served alongside our favorite Line 39 Sauvignon Blanc... mine with a squeeze of cooling crema... the hubs with shredded cheese melted onto the top.

After supper the rains abated and we were able to finally get outside and take a quiet walk in our neighborhood (masks on) followed by the news...  the coronavirus is now expected to claim 200,000 American lives by September...  we are deeply concerned about our neighbors to the west... we have seen the dire consequences up close (too close) caused by this pandemic and don't want to see it play out anywhere else...  please stay safe everyone... you all matter to us and we don't want to lose you 💞
How was your day? What's on your plate? Thoughts?

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Tune Poke and Fruit & Cheese Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

The heat is slowly creeping back into the Big Apple... the temperature climbed into the 80's today dragging the humidity with it.  We were fortunate to have bright sunshine and so much of the dampness burned off through the day.  But as night fell the air grew heavy with the approaching storms.  We are slated to have rain tonight and thundershowers tomorrow... remnants of Cristobal...

Today was my lucky day... my colorist made a housecall... well, really a deck call... and voilà... my greys are no longer.  It's been more than five months since she has graced my home and my locks have missed her dreadfully.  Last time we saw one another it was January...  who knew it would be June before we met again.  I would've hugged her but... 😷

So instead it was a masked coloring... and my neighbors (and anyone else driving by... we live on a main through street) all got to watch me as she gooped me up.  Frankly I didn't care if they saw... the greys were taking over and I was desperate to have them gone... and to help her out... she is in business for herself and these past three months have been brutal for her here in NYC... so on top of her price I gave her a big tip and suggested to all my neighbors who are all in the same boat to give her a buzz...

She is an immigrant from Eastern Europe.  Her comment on the current political and viral situation saddened me... grocery shopping now reminds her of growing up in her country of birth... an unpleasant memory.  Please  be careful out there folks... 21 states that have reopened are seeing increased virus cases since Memorial Day... stay safe & healthy.

Knowing she was coming around supper time the hubs and I needed a snack, so just prior to her arrival I put a quick fruit and cheese tray together for us to nosh on (with Line 39 Sauvignon Blanc) and made the NYTimes tuna poke (added cucumbers and subbed chives from the herb garden for the scallions which I didn't have... it worked) and popped it into the fridge for an after hairdo late supper.  It was delicious... salty, with a hit of acid... the umami taste of the fish, sesame oil & seeds balanced it perfectly.  Great recipe by Sam Sifton... well worth the $12/lb sushi grade tuna... served it on endive leaves with iced cranberry tea...  cooling and fast.
How was your day? And what's on your plate?  Any thoughts?

Monday 8 June 2020

Tom Turkey & Our American Family

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was another bright sunny day... temperatures in the high seventies and humidity in the "feelin' dry and comfie" range.  Skies were blue with few clouds and there was a gentle breeze softly caressing the trees.

Today was the big day... the Big Apple has officially entered phase 1...  some 400,000 people were able to return to their jobs today with stores opening for curbside pickup and construction resuming...   there was palpable excitement as Governor Cuomo announced that, "we didn't just flatten the curve... we smashed it!"

Now comes the hard work of keeping the pandemic from rearing its ugly head once again as we all try to resume some part of our lives, wearing masks when needed and social distancing as well.

We celebrated by having the family together (socially distant) out on the deck for supper.  Danicha made a delicious appetizer of shrimp salad stuffed avocado halves...mmmm 😋 so creamy.  A young turkey graced our table alongside roasted broccoli, sautéed corn and peas topped with grated ricotta salata and a crisp green salad.  A rich mango gelato (also courtesy of Danicha & Eduardo) with a few Milano cookies and Dove chocolates served alongside coffee and espresso finished up the meal.

After supper we relaxed with a fire... discussing the state of affairs in the White House, the issues of race relations in America and our worries over Covid19.  We are Jewish... .Catholic...  Puerto Rican... .Chilean... .White...  Brown...  we are an American family 💞
How was your day? What's on your plate? Any thoughts to share?

Sunday 7 June 2020

Composed Salad

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
It was lovely today... bright... sunny... puffy clouds interspersed...  temperatures in the seventies with humidity in the "I'm not sweating to death anymore" range... finally feeling comfortable in my own skin again.

Went to see Grandma and Stella (her sweet aide)... they were happy to see us... chatty... relaxed.  We brought fresh bread that I baked last night as a treat.  We sat with the balcony doors open and shared our weeks news back and forth...  it was familiar and unusual all at the same time.  Grandma doesn't really keep up with the news much any longer and so talking about current events was stilted... and a bit odd.  She was quite interested and so we filled her in as to the goings on... Grandma... the eternal optimist... she believes it will all work together for good...  so does Stella...  and I so desperately want to believe them...

We stopped by Mark & Andrea's on the way home to chat and visit for a bit...their new adoptee... Mr Charlie... a handsome black and white kitty marched right onto the deck and into the house... looks like he's moving in 😻😹 (wondering who adopted whom... or is it who... I can never figure that out)

Supper was a melange of the weeks work in the kitchen... leftover chicken sliced thinly... tomato jam... diced cucumber...red onion slices... olives... fresh mozzerella... tomato halves... artichoke hearts and grapefruit sections served with a light grapefruit vinaigrette and the remaining loaf of bread baked last night warmed with butter.

Curfew is finished here in the Big Apple.  Last nights protests were peaceful and the city has agreed to treat us all like responsible adults again... Hoping we live up to the hype 😷
How was your day?  And what's on your plate? Thoughts anyone?

French Bread & Antipasto Platter

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was a heat blast... 88°F and 80% humidity in the early afternoon... felt like a wet blanket suffocating the skin... every movement made me sweat (ah yes, ladies don't sweat... we perspire)...  by 3:00pm thunderstorms arrived.  

Suddenly the sky darkened and the winds picked up... gusts of 40mph rushed by... the trees began to bend, their leaves flapping wildly.  It began to drizzle at first... we flew into the house bringing in Mr Sam...  running around lowering windows.  It was as dark as night in what seemed like only a moment... then the rain came down in earnest... small hail pitter pattering on the deck and roof.  It was riotous... thunder crashing over the house in deafening reverberations... lightening shooting across the blackened sky...  for fifteen minutes it ravaged the landscape and then as suddenly as it had come it was over and blue skies emerged followed by a cool refreshing breeze.  I love thunderstorms... don't you?

With lower temperatures and humidity at delightful levels it was time to make the bread.  Tomorrow we go to visit Mom and we would like to bring her a fresh loaf as a treat.  Using the King Arthur flour "easiest loaf of bread you'll ever bake" recipe (halved, as my loaf pans are skinny) was simple and fast.  It yielded two loaves of french style bread... this time I coated them in olive oil to get that extra crispy crust.

The hubs continued his outside repairs to our front portico which had sustained water damage over the years... our house will celebrate its 100th birthday in 2027.

Dinner was prefaced by a platter of mozzerella, tomato, basil, salami, artichoke hearts, tomato jam and crackers (with wine of course... we finished off the Bordeaux).  Perch coated in a lemon pepper crust with tater tots and a fresh green salad rounded out the meal.

How was your day? And what's on your plate?  Please share your thoughts 💞

Dutch Baby, Spicy Chicken Thighs & Pico de Gallo

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
FOOD GIFT:   Andrea made pico de gallo today and gave us some to enjoy with our supper...  its delicious 😋

We are so fortunate to have her in our lives... she is a blessing... and turning out to be an excellent cook!  Making chicken thighs, roasted potatoes and a Dutch baby for supper... photos to follow later... happy cooking y'all 💞

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Today it was super humid... rainy... hot and just plain miserable... couldn't even let Mr Sam out on the deck for his daily sun bath (no sun... only rain)  the hubs did some more work on the wood floor, adding another layer of wax... it is coming out so beautiful...the kitchen called out beckoning... come and cook...

Thus was born my first Dutch baby.  The NYTimes recipe worked perfectly (I admit I added a bit of vanilla and a pinch of salt... ok ok... so it wasn't exactly that recipe... but that recipe was the basis) and I was so pleased with the result.  It had been a toss up between the Dutch baby or Yorkshire pudding and this was kind of both... delicious... and surprisingly easy.  

Supper was chicken thighs, the delicious salsa Andrea gifted us earlier, a bit of the tomato jam made last week, a baked yam and a crisp green salad.  Served alongside a lovely Bordeaux and finished off with our Dutch baby...

Trying to focus on food a bit more as we worry about the resurgence of the virus in parts of the country... hoping that the protests don't fuel the virus... hoping that the message isn't lost among the small acts of violence amidst the hundreds of thousands marching in all 50 states and over 20 foreign countries... hoping that folks understand the Why...
How was your day? And what's on your plate? Please share your thoughts 💞

Deconstructed Caprese Salad & Swiss Chard

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was the first of a couple of days of humidity and rain... it poured this morning until the skies lifted in the early afternoon.  The sun broke through and we had a few hours of brightness to burn off some of the muck.  About 9:30pm it suddenly clouded over just as the hubs and I came back in off the deck and the skies opened and it poured once again.  Fortunately we had just brought Mr Sam in too so he escaped the deluge.

Following my sessions today I felt energized and so I fussed a bit over supper...  a deconstructed caprese salad with a bit of genoa salami...  Swiss chard with olive oil and lemon... a bright green salad... another serving of our cheesy turkey roll all accompanied by a delightful Bordeaux.  Overall a delicious repast to end our day of quarantine and curfew.

Joy rang out in the streets of NYC this afternoon when it was announced that additional charges had been filed against the officer who killed Mr Floyd and that charged were also filed against the other three officers as well. Protestors were ebullient... now comes the long work of turning this into policy.  

How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Thursday 4 June 2020

Peonies and Racism

Quarantine activities of the day...
Peonies... one of the most stunning flowers... these two beauties bloomed in the garden earlier this week.  Last year after they bloomed someone came by and cut them all... I was so sad... and angry... so this year I decided to cut two of them to enjoy in the house.  (Thank you Elsa for your photo... it motivated me to cut my peonies as well 😊)

Today after my weekly food foray (which I must say has become more of a routine and much less stressful) the hubs and I sat out on the deck, escaping the heat in the house, and enjoyed a Gunpowder Gin & Tonic with lime while we chatted about the situation in our country.

We discussed endemic and institutional racism and how it has effected each of us.  It is so apparent when we really look at the facts... I call it soft slavery....  segregation... redlining... the criminal justice system... school taxes and allocation... banking traditions (redlining again)... it all adds up to a lack of choices and a system rigged against minorities... especially black and brown people.

We must turn the reality of these issues into policy that levels the playing field so that ALL people in America have the chance to pursue their dreams.
How was your day?  And what are your thoughts?

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Cheese Stuffed Turkey Roll & Almond Coconut Granola

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was a last day of beautiful weather here in the Big Apple before tonite's rain which will stretch into tomorrow.  Protests continue reminding us of the open racism that is the rot in the core of America... hopefully our 8pm curfew will tamp down the violence, riots and looting.

Cheese stuffed turkey roll was moist and delicious alongside a fresh salad and some leftover onion bread.  It was so large that we ate only a quarter of the roll, leaving lots of leftovers for another meal.

First attempt at making granola was a partial success.  The flavors were good, but it over browned during the last few minutes of cooking and didn't create clusters... next time less stirring and shorter cooking time. It was still crunchy and satisfying when the hubs had some in milk for dessert.

How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Monday 1 June 2020

Cheese Stuffed Bread & Cajun Catfish with Mango Salsa

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
With all the protesting going on all over the US and the rest of the world today seemed like a bread day.  Cheesy stuffed bread topped with more cheese (is there such a things too much cheese?) accompanied Cajun style catfish with lemon and a side of mango salsa.  What is it about cheesy bread that we all love so dearly... it soothes us with its chewy texture and it's surprise filling oozing out from the center.

I could say that the casein in the cheese hits all the same buttons in our brains as opiates and that accounts for our cheese addiction... but frankly. Who cares???  We all love cheese... period.

Today was beautiful... low humidity... mostly sunny skies... temps in the low to mid 70's... a day to enjoy before the rain and heat returns with its muggy feel in a couple of days.

NYC is now under curfew to keep demonstrators safe and prevent agitators from ruining the message.  It will also help keep folks from unknowingly spreading the virus...  we hope the message doesn't get muddied by those who would like to dilute the point.
How was your day?  And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)