Monday 30 November 2020

Sage Turkey Sausage Broccoli Mushroom Tortellini Casserole

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Just love the sound of driving rain hitting the windows...  the awning...  the roof...  the thrumming of the drops against the house...  cars splashing by on the Avenue...  the wind howling through the naked trees...  gusts rattling the windows...  rainy days are relaxing...   quiet...  time to snuggle up with a soft blanket...  a good book...  get lost in its pages.  

Mr Sam has been upset...  pacing around the house meowing...  looking for his Daddy...  sulking in the basement...  today brought him upstairs in my arms to visit the hubs...  surprise!  Mr Sam purred so loud we both could hear him plainly...  got his head rubbed and a quick snuggle then wiggled away back downstairs to relax and have a treat.  He seemed satisfied...   for now...  he is quite attached to the hubs.   

Today was relaxing...  no reasons to go out in the driving rain and wind...  a chance to catch up on phone calls and paperwork.  Staying in touch with workers compensation...   and the hubs boss...  keeping them in the loop...  time to review bills...  make payments...  finished most of the Xmas shopping for the grands on cyber Monday...  their mamas are terrific at sending us links to their hearts desires! 

Supper was a casserole...  two sage turkey sausages pan cooked and sliced...  one head fresh broccoli florets steamed...  fresh tortellini uncooked...  8 oz mushrooms sliced...  one can campbells cream of mushroom soup...  1/2 cup milk...  1 tsp black pepper...  a good sprinkle of Penzey’s poultry seasoning...  10 dashes of Tabasco...  1/2 cup water from steaming the broccoli... all mixed together...  frizzled onions atop...  baked at 350°F for 30 minutes till bubbly and hot...  let rest for 20 minutes then serve!  It was delicious...   creamy with a bit of heat...  the frizzled onions giving the dish a lovely oniony pop...  we ate most of it...   one small scoop left for tomorrow’s lunch!  

Covid stats continue to explode...  Gov Cuomo today asking retired Nurses and Doctors to work...  giving those in Covid wards a chance to rest...  we are exhausting our health care workers and system...  only six months to go...  vaccines on the horizon...  please stay safe...   wear a mask...   limit social interactions to your household...  and wash those germy hands!  

How was your day?   Whats on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 29 November 2020

Red Cabbage Slaw and Leftover Turkey amid COVID Fatigue

 Quarantine Supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Bright...  sunny...  light breeze...  fluffy clouds swimming gently across azure skies...  squirrels busy chasing one another across tree tops...  birds chirping...  hopping from branch to branch...  a group of young boys running round the block...  their daily jog...  folks in light jackets and masks walking in small groups...  out to enjoy the sun...  Sunday in the Big Apple...  tomorrow... back to work. 

Did Mom’s grocery run and delivery today...  she thoroughly enjoyed her thanksgiving meal delivery...  two days of suppers... one breakfast of leftovers.  The Derby Pie was a big hit too.  We chatted...  balcony door ajar...  hallway door open...  cool breeze keeping her safe from whatever critters might be lurking...  she seems relatively happy...  visits from friends perking up her days...  lots of reading and walking her daily laps round her apartment...  her two lovely aides keeping her safe and well.  

Came home to prep supper for the hubs later than planned...  we ended up with red cabbage slaw and leftover turkey...  Derby Pie and decaf for dessert.  Eating on a bed tray in our bedroom...  the hubs is feeling much improved...  pain quite manageable without even ibuprofen through the day...  one dose of pain meds to sleep... feeling pleased with his progress.

Covid hospitalization stats are rising dangerously throughout our country...  hospitals are at capacity in many areas...  medical staff shortages have begun to appear in hard hit areas...  and the number of new cases is rising exponentially.  

Folks...  this is so serious...  please...  please...  

THINK about what can happen if YOU aren’t careful...  if YOU don’t wear a mask...  some folks believe they can recover...  and maybe they do...  maybe they don’t even show symptoms... 

What happens to the person you infect who doesn’t recover...  what happens to their little girl?  To their spouse?  To their mother or father?  

What happens when you infect your friend and they infect their Mom or Dad who dies...  can you live with that?  

We CAN win this battle against the virus...  but we MUST do it together... we must follow the CDC guidance and do what is recommended...  

Wear a mask...   limit indoor social interactions to only those in your household...  when outside and socializing keep numbers small (under 10) and always wear a mask...  wear a mask at work...  don’t touch your face or eyes when outside of your home... and when you return home immediately wash your hands (and face) for 30 seconds with lots of soap and water.   

This is NOT hard...  we must all do our part regardless of what local government suggests.  We ALL long for normalcy and have pandemic fatigue...  but killing your best friends Dad because you didn’t follow protocols will wreck YOUR life and theirs!  Please...  think about the consequences of your actions and be sensible and safe 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 28 November 2020

Orange Glazed Mini Pound Cakes... Greenhouse update

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Another grey day in the Big Apple...  raw feel to the air...  few folks out walking...  quiet Saturday.  Spent some time out on the deck with Mr Sam...  he wasn’t interested in staying out once the greenhouse door closed...  he meowed loudly...  we headed for the back door...   too uncomfortable for relaxing outdoors...   even the heavy sweater didn’t keep the chill at bay. 

Dear friends of ours surprised us with mini pound cakes as a treat for the hubs post op...  so sweet...  made some fresh orange glaze... an idea from the scones...  gave them a drizzle...  so yummy...  the rich buttery texture of the dense pound cake against the orange juice and zest in the glaze...  a perfect combination.  

The greenhouse is still growing... albeit slowly during this Persephone phase...  picked the remaining tomatoes today...  time to let them redden up on the kitchen table with their ripened buddies...   the collards, turnip greens and arugula still leafing out...  carrots and radishes seem to be napping for the cold season and thyme is happy to be out of the breeze.  Rosemary remains on the deck in her pot while sage and oregano live on happily in the garden.  The brussel sprouts...  still tiny...  will have to be pulled before the first hard frost... not here yet...  but watching the weather forecast.  All in all the greenhouse has been a source of delight and deliciousness throughout the season...  almost December and still going strong...  amazing.

We have dined on thanksgiving turkey and sides for three days now and are still enjoying every minute of it...  tomorrow might be a new dish from whatever is left...  thinking of some kind of casserole...  maybe with veggies and a bechamel. 

The hubs is doing well...  first two days were tough... lots of discomfort and some pain...  doing much better today...  appetite is back...  no pain meds today...  just ibuprofen...  able to walk to the bathroom and back a couple of times to wash up and change clothes...  feeling more like himself.  So grateful surgery is passed and he is on the mend.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 26 November 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Day

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...


Downpour began at 5am...  rain thundering on the windows and awnings as we listened from our beds...  the drumming a soothing balm to a tired body...  casseroles, stuffings, pies, sauces, scones finished...  soon to rise and roast the bird...  complete the slaw...  roast the sprouts and deliver to Mom and family.  The hubs snoozing as the drops thrummed...  slipping in and out of sleep...  relaxing in the hours before the feast.  

As midday approached the sun broke through warming the Big Apple to an unseasonable 65°F...  such joy to feel the warm air flowing through an open window...  the back door ajar as the turkey roasted...  Mr Sam relaxing on the deck enjoying the sunshine...  feeling bright and cheery warming the stuffing and sweet potato casserole...  roasting the sprouts...  completing the slaw...  assembling dinner delivery for Mom and nearby family.  

Our small young turkey (10 lbs) stuffed with a quartered onion and lemon dipped in salt...  bathed in olive oil and seasoned liberally with salt, pepper, powdered rosemary and Penzey’s poultry seasoning...  done to a crispy finish...  left to rest 30 minutes before carving and sending on its way to Mom’s with stuffing, sweet potato bake, brussel sprouts, cranberry compote and half a Derby pie for dessert.  Stuffing, sweet potato bake and the remaining half pie packed for our nearby family to add to their turkey breast roulade supper.  

The hubs rested in bed today...  leg elevated...  napping and watching tutorials to pass the time...  Mr Sam receiving his annual Thanksgiving treat...  turkey liver pan fried in olive oil and diced... he ate the entire liver then crawled into his bed and fell asleep...  the hubs finally developing an appetite by 8pm...  able to enjoy a full plate of thanksgiving goodies...  including dessert...  and an extra large glass of seltzer (no wine with pain meds) to slake his thirst.  We enjoyed our planned WhatsApp call with family...   helping us feel more connected during this Thanksgiving of separation.  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Happy Birthday Peter ❤️❤️❤️

 Happy happy happy birthday to this terrific guy! ❤️❤️❤️

So glad we are quarantined together ❤️❤️❤️

Spending his birthday reclining on the couch...  leg elevated...  post surgery...  a smile on his face...

Enjoying calls and video chats with the kids, grandkids, family and friends...  

Even during a pandemic and following a debilitating work accident...  

Life is a blessing...  so much to be grateful for this season❤️

Remembering this fabulous Mexican restaurant 🌶 in central Florida and their delicious food 🍛 and sparkling ambiance complimented by a Modelo Negro... or two 🍺 😉

Sweet Potato Bake, Sausage Stuffing and Derby Pie sliced to go

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bright skies and calm breezes graced the Big Apple today...  squirrels nibbling acorns on the deck...  leaving little piles of shells scattered about...  a flutter of sparrows chattering as they hop branch to branch in the great oaks at the sidewalk...  a group of teen boys on bicycles laughing as they race down the avenue...  greenhouse occupants still thriving...  tomatoes...  basil...  arugula...  collards...  spinach...  beets... carrots...  radishes...  lettuce and of course, nasturtiums...  gracing the view with their stunning blooms and foliage...  seasonal temperatures today belay tomorrow’s early rain and wind.

Outdoor dining looks improbable...  thus the decision to separate for our meal and enjoy video chat with family instead...  pie to be delivered...  Mom receiving her entire homemade turkey dinner...  with lots of love and a mask!

It’s the last cooking day before Thanksgiving...  finished the pies, scones and cranberry compote yesterday during the stress bake...  today made stuffing and sweet potato bake while the hubs rested on the couch leg elevated.  Tomorrow roasting the brussel sprouts...  composing the green bean casserole...  tossing the slaw...  and roasting the turkey.

These dishes...  family traditions going back more than thirty years...  reminding us of large gatherings filled with laughter, great food and lots of love.  Although the gatherings are different this year, the love hasn’t changed...  and that’s most important.  How is your menu shaping up?  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Derby Pies... Cranberry Compote... Cranberry Orange Scones...

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

The hubs is home... surgery was a success...  he is in a new heavier brace hip to ankle...  tuckered out...  but pretty comfortable overall...  thank you all for your support...  prayers...   well wishes...  good vibes...  and grace.  It made this nervous Nellie feel much better knowing you all were out there sending your love ❤️❤️❤️

Today was stress bake day...  dropped the hubs off at the hospital... 10am (can’t go in due to covid) go home...  have coffee...  start to pace...  decide to bake...  keeps the mind busy...  focused on mis en place and not missing ingredients...  make two Derby Pies (cause why not... one to share)  12:30pm...  just going into surgery...  make cranberry compote...   still in surgery...  2pm...  beginning to worry a bit...  scones...  lots of prep...  takes some time...  good....  don’t overthink...  Just as the grated frozen butter goes into the flour...  the surgeon calls...  quick stash the batter in the fridge... taking notes...  instructions... it went well... he is in recovery doing fine!!!  Three more hours for observation then home!!!   Now...  happy scones 😄 patting...  laminating...  lost count... did eight?  Time to cut and chill...  preheat oven and bake!  

Lunch time now that tummy is relaxed...  hunger arrives...  Mr Sam spent the day in his bed waiting for his Daddy to get home... didn’t come looking till the hubs walked in the door...  then came up checked him over...  gave him a big sniff and a rub as if to say, “You are acceptable once again” 😻

Supper was leftover Cajun Andouille White and Red Bean Soup, cold roasted asparagus salad with Parmesan shards and warmed pita...  it was so good to eat together after a long and strange day...   grateful that the surgery is over...  now the healing begins...  one day at a time...  the new monster brace comes with a metal joint at the knee which is locked...  keeps it still...  letting the cells regrow to attach bone to muscle and tendon.  

So much to be thankful for even during this odd Thanksgiving...  our lives... our health... our family... our friends  (even though we can’t be together...  we can still love them and chat) and Mr Sam 😻

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Orange Cranberry Scones

 Ava Truckey...   this one’s for you...  made scones today... used all the techniques you’ve taught...  grated the frozen butter...  patted the dough...  laminated it about eight times...  came out delicious!  Orange cranberry scones adapted from Ina Garten’s recipe via Ava’s methods!  Wonderful results...  thank you so much for all your wisdom and teachings #bestsconesyet

Monday 23 November 2020

Cajun Andouille, White and Red Bean Soup with Roasted Asparagus and Warmed Pita Bread

 Sunny day...  bright blue skies with few clouds high overhead...  most trees now naked...  their arms reaching out toward the suns rays...  a hawk coasting on thermals sailing by as we drive to the doctors for the hubs medical clearance.  Little round holes punctuate the lawns as squirrels bury acorns in every available spot...  geese honking overhead urging the leader onward as they fly in v formation...  wind gusting... whipping up leaves only to let them flutter to the ground once again...  a blustery autumn day here in the Big Apple.   

Tomorrow is the big day...  the hubs goes in for the fix in the morning and by late afternoon should be on the way home.  Cooking and baking for Thanksgiving will be the thing to do while the surgeon does his magic...  relaxing...  occupies the thoughts...  less worry.  

Got the last of the ingredients today...  everything is ready...  Derby Pie...  cranberry compote...  sweet potato bake...  green bean casserole...  a small 10 lb turkey...  sausage stuffing...  excited to make the meal though we will be eating... just us...  Mom and her aide at her apartment (I will bring her plates for supper) and video chatting...  for safety...  our friends and the kids all doing the same...  eating with their own households.  

Tonight was Cajun andouille, white and red bean soup...   gave the leaves of half the turnips in the greenhouse a haircut to add to the pot...  served with warmed pita bread and a side of roasted asparagus...  warming and comforting for the hubs before tomorrow’s big day.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Pork Chops on Cast Iron, Farro Sautéed with Onion and Garden Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Vanilla skies once again graced the Big Apple...  temps in the low 60’s...  light breeze...  pleasant enough...  Mr Sam spent the afternoon outside on the deck...  time for his mani pedi...  clipping his nails short for our protection...  a quiet Saturday giving time for a bit of badly needed relaxation...  the hubs reclining on the couch leg elevated...  listening to music and watching tutorials...  a day to catch up on chores (banking, laundry, bills, mail...  endless paperwork) 

Tomorrow the hubs gets his covid test...  the image of that swab practically touching his brain gives me the shivers...  he says it’s only momentarily uncomfortable... just don’t like anything in the nose...  yuck! 

Tonite’s supper...  appetizer of Brie and fig on crackers (we loved it once again)  pork chops on cast iron with olive oil salt and pepper...  simple...  delicious...  farro sautéed with onion, garlic, parsley & olive oil...  a fresh green salad with greenhouse tomatoes and Parmesan shards...  accompanied by a crisp Sauvignon Blanc.  

New covid cases will reach 200,000 per day by the end of the weekend...  with health care workers traumatized and exhausted there is no room for error...  please...  wear your mask...  limit social interactions...  have thanksgiving with your household...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 21 November 2020

Fridge Clean Out Supper: Roasted Chicken, Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Roll Ups, Brie and Fig on Crackers, Glazed Plantains, Cheesy Garlic Croutons and Crisp Green Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bipolar autumn...  bright sun...  warmth...  temps in the low 60’s...  calm winds...  no jacket required...   just days after below freezing temps chilled us to the bone.  Soon the v formations will fly south... wintering elsewhere...   fat squirrels will snug into their nests...  sleeping through the depths of winter...  do they dream of acorns?   Raccoons and possums will also take to  their beds snoozing away the cold.  The last of the leaves will twirl to the ground leaving slumbering trees until spring.

Spent the day getting the hubs ready for his surgery on Tuesday...  MRI...  blood work...  the usual pre op suspects...  covid test Sunday at the hospital drive through...  then BOOM...  knee repair and six weeks post op in the monster brace while the leg heals.  

Our thanksgiving plans are cancelled...  CDC recommending we all stay within our households to stem the spread of covid...  the kids cancelling their Friendsgiving celebration in favor of staying alive until 2021...  smart moves. 

I will drop off Mom’s thanksgiving supper at her apartment... the hubs will be on the couch at home... leg elevated...  visit very briefly (mask on) then return home for us to share a zoomgiving with Mom.  

Supper was a fridge clean out meal...  leftover roasted chicken sliced...  cream cheese wrapped by smoked salmon...  Brie and fig on crackers...  few glazed plantains...  those leftover garlic breadsticks from the pizza place turned into croutons (can we say croutonized?) and a fresh crisp garden salad with greenhouse tomatoes (in late The hubs finishing off his meal with a slice of meh apple pie...  he is such a trooper...  says he likes it 😀

Watching the news tonite as covid stats spike all over our country...  hoping that folks take the advice of CDC seriously...  MD’s and nurses begging people to follow precautions as they work themselves past exhaustion trying to keep patients alive...  traumatized and sobbing when they can’t succeed.  

No one wants to be part of those who might become ill 2-3 weeks post holiday...  hospitals have no more room for patients...  reminiscent of spring 2020 here in NYC...  terrifying times.  Even if folks believe they are safe...  they might not realize how at risk they actually are...

Folllow protocols...  wear a mask... limit social interactions...  think of those exhausted healthcare workers asking us all to stay home...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 19 November 2020

Asparagus, Chicken and Potato Hash with Apple Pie

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Milky skies...  that what Lonnie Quinn called them on CBS weather...  so appropriate...  wispy clouds overlaying one another...  blue skies peeking though now and again...  an ineffective sun...  chilly enough for jackets...  leaves piled up against fences...  naked trees standing proud against wintry skies... squirrels fattening up for hibernation...   birds congregating in flocks ready to migrate...  early winter has arrived.

Off to see the wizard today...  knee surgery is in the hubs near future...  a detached tendon...  bone chip... possibly a small muscle tear...  all repairable and to be done within the next ten days... followed by six weeks in the  monster leg brace and finally rehab.  Big exhale...  could have been much worse...  grateful that all this is something that can be fixed...  and that it can be done in a covid free hospital sanitized for surgery only.  

Looks like our thanksgiving plans with Mom will be scrapped.  The hubs won’t be walking anywhere and with covid stats rising fast we aren’t going to put her at risk.  I will drop off her thanksgiving dinner... visit briefly with a mask on...   then go home...   we can video chat safely instead.  Disappointing but...  zoomgiving this year so we don’t have an ICU Xmas!!  

Since we spent the entire day with the wizard it was after 5:30pm by the time we got home.  Dinner was a quick hash of asparagus, leftover chicken and potatoes from last nights supper with a sautéed onion and spices...  accompanied by glazed plantains...  vino...   and this apple concoction...  shall we call it pie?  It was a partial success...  the filling was delicious...  aromatic...  spiced...  and sweet.  The crust was...  meh.  The pastry just didn’t taste much...  more like a cracker than a crust...  but edible...  just...

Please take good care of yourselves...  thanksgiving is not a reason to throw precaution to the wind...  hospitals are filling up and overflowing...  getting covid could be a death sentence...  don’t risk it for yourself or the people you love most in the whole world!  Stay safe...  wear that mask... limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands! 

How was your day?  What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Whole Oven Roasted Chicken with Garlic and Herbs, Oven Roasted Potatoes & Garden Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

NYC has officially fallen below freezing...  as I write this it is 26°F outside...  thank goodness for the heat lamp in the greenhouse... it’s a balmy 37°F...  just warm enough to keep the remaining tomatoes from freezing...  tomorrow we will bounce back to a high of almost 50°F...  this weather is very 2020...  the cold coming in waves.  

Tuesday was a tough day...  the hubs had a small accident at work... piece of flange (big heavy metal plumbing connector) flew off the vice and smacked him in the left knee...  knocked him to the floor...  quick trip to the hospital ED...  by 1pm was in my car on his way home with a stiff plastic and Velcro brace from hip to ankle and crutches... tiny 1 cm bone chip and small muscle tear necessitates a trip to the surgeon Thursday for a consult and date for repair.   Mixed feelings...  hubs is essential worker...  covid stats are up...  so injury will keep him home for a bit...  he’s not a happy camper at the moment...  has to keep the knee absolutely still...  difficult maneuvering.

Even so, we still have to eat...  so tonite...  whole roasted chicken with oven roasted potatoes and a big garden salad.  The hubs enjoys eating the meat off the carcass after it’s carved...  then into the pot for stock along with wing tips, tush and the onion from the cavity.  The juices in the bottom of the pan get poured into a container and saved for soup base...  alongside some vino...  and a slice of the last bit of the Almond Lemon Ricotta Cake.  

Have a bunch of apples that need cooking...  thinking of making an Apple galette tomorrow...  or apple crisp...  if there’s time.  Or maybe more applesauce...  haven’t decided.  

Thanksgiving plan thus far is bringing supper to Moms so she and her aide can eat together in the dining room while the hubs and I sit at the kitchen counter...  sliding glass door ajar and apartment door open for fresh air circulation...  not sure if it will be possible...  stats in NYC on the rise...  might just drop off food if necessary and have a brief visit... we shall see as we get closer... also depends if the hubs is mobile or still in a brace.  So many considerations to decipher...  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 16 November 2020

Black Bean and Pork Chili

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Quite chilly today...  bright...  sunny...  blustery...  piles of leaves knee deep around the house after last nights rip roaring 70 mph winds...  remnants of recycling lifted up by gales...   blown about...  dropped randomly...   milk cartons...  juice bottles...  stock boxes...  cartons...  littering front and side lawns...  hubs filled an entire recycling bag during clean up...  dark by 5pm these days...  Persephone phase has arrived.  

Spent the afternoon Saturday completing an in-depth inventory of food supplies in cabinets, fridges and freezers.  With covid stats increasing all over the US it was time to check supplies...  folks have begun stocking up in our local area...  anticipating shortages as we experienced in the spring.  

Most of our needs are stocked with back up canned and dry goods tucked away in storage.  Since we are responsible for Mom’s food it was important to make sure we have her needs on hand as well.  Some items...  hard to store for long periods...  onions, potatoes, citrus, squash... considering storing them in the greenhouse...  approximately fridge temp...  will give some root veggies and others more time to remain fresh.  

Sitting at the desk... windows west facing...  sun pouring in...  lists completed for grocery shopping...  marveling at the human ability to adapt to disastrous conditions...  hunker down...  wait...  so difficult...  yet so important...  especially as the light at the end of the tunnel brightens...  and it’s no longer an oncoming train.

Today most of the needed pantry fill-ins were available at the market...  they’re already out of stock on some items...  we can make do regardless...  flexibility so important...  as is kindness and respect...  one gal had a meltdown during checkout...  screaming...  gesturing wildly...  staff was sympathetic and de-escalated effectively...  impressive.  

Supper post-market a quick black bean and ground pork chili...  fast...  warming...  mildly spiced...  accompanied by shredded cheddar and the remaining beer not poured into the dish.  Mr Sam was unimpressed...  🙀campaigned for his half can of wet food quite forcefully following supper complete with meowing, pacing and leg rubbing...  of course we obliged.  Finished off the meal with a piece of Almond Lemon Ricotta Cake...  still moist and delicious 😋 

Remember...  decisions you make today will affect not only your life, but the lives of folks you love for months to come...  wear a mask...  limit personal interactions...  don’t get sloppy as we approach the finish line next spring...  pandemic fatigue is real...  dangerous...  and don’t forget...  wash those germy hands! 

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 15 November 2020

Pizza Night and Thanksgiving Menu Planning

 Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Today started out mild with mixed sun and clouds...  chilly...  jacket weather...  did the food roundup for Mom...  brought it over to her today to visit and socialize for a bit...  she was in good spirits...   by the time we left the wind was howling with gusts up to 50 mph...  Mom’s building complex creates a wind tunnel...  had to hold onto the hubs arm to not be blown over...  so intense...  still incredibly windy right now and through tomorrow...  following the wind early winter arrives with temps dipping into the low 30’s at night...  brrrr...

Discussed the menu for Thanksgiving...  wanted her input so she would feel included...  bringing over cooked carved turkey...  stuffing...  sweet potato bake...  green bean casserole...   cranberry sauce...  her aide will make us all a salad...  Derby Pie for dessert (thanks Lara Welch Bertani for the inspiration) 

Mom and her aide (Kamal) will eat at the table and we’ll eat at the kitchen counter...  more than six feet apart...  with the balcony door opened a bit and the hallway door open to allow for plenty of fresh air circulation.  Lots of leftovers to leave for Mom and Kamal to enjoy for at least two more days... all of us feeling excited about the coming meal.

Got back later than expected so tonite...  order in...  pizza...  humongous garlic bread sticks...  spinach pinwheel...  salad...  the family special from our local pizza shoppe...   gave the delivery guy 30% tip...  half a pizza leftover for another meal...  need to think about how to fix up the garlic breadsticks into something a whole lot more interesting...  side dish with another supper this week maybe... 

Now the shopping begins...  turkey is already in the freezer waiting to be cooked...  the list is long...  will be completed tomorrow to avoid crowds...   making several items in advance...  sweet potato bake is better made the day before...  cranberry sauce can be made a couple of days ahead...  Derby pie can be made ahead...  day of will be stuffing, turkey and green bean casserole...  looking forward to the planning... baking and cooking...  might even make biscuits... whatcha think Ava Truckey?

How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

Saturday 14 November 2020

Spicy Sausage, Chicken, White Bean, Baby Pea and Farro Leftover Stoup

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

The Big Chill has arrived...  temperatures sliding down the thermometer...  clouds blocking the sun...  slow drizzle ending early followed by gray skies.  

Fallen leaves plaster the sidewalks, driveways and streets...  a cushion of color under the feet of passers by...  so quiet...  the sounds of cars softened by the wet streets.   Trees slowly stripped of their clothes... some standing naked against the dim skyline.

With cold weather arriving and in person socializing limited for now...  thoughts drift to hobbies once enjoyed and set aside amidst the rush of life.  Writing...  cooking and baking...  tending houseplants... the greenhouse...  sorting through closets and drawers...  thinning out accumulations...  sharing excesses...  reading the pile of books waiting...  the hubs learning more about his new avocation, hydroponics...  his creative building projects...  all these against the background of the pandemic and the extreme lack some face.   We have donated clothes, food and personal care products to shelters over the years...  this is a year to repeat that choice.

Mr Sam stuck inside once again...  sitting next to me gazing up expectantly while chicken is shredded for tonites soup.  He knows he will get fed scraps...  whatever parts we don’t enjoy he gleefully gobbles up! 

Last nights winter bean and spicy sausage soup leftovers making a reappearance with leftover shredded chicken and petite peas served over a bed of farro...  warming...  filling our bellies.  A small appetizer of smoked salmon rolled around cream cheese on a cracker schmeared with whitefish salad...  accompanied by a glass of vino while we wait for the soup to heat.  

The hubs finally tasting the cake tonite...  too full last night...  and...  he LOVED it...  said it tasted like a cross between pound cake and sponge...  I thought that was pretty accurate.

Covid is surging across America tonite...  over 155,000 new cases just today.  Hospitals are overwhelmed and people are frightened...  we will exceed 200,000 cases per day by early next week.  Pandemic fatigue is real...  wear a mask...  limit social interactions...  carry and use hand sanitizer...  and wash those germy hands!  

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 13 November 2020

Winter White Bean & Sausage Soup and Almond Lemon Ricotta Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Gray skies lingered over the Big Apple today...  drizzles...  a chill wind...  harbingers of what’s to come...  early winter on the horizon...  drenching rain in Eta’s path...  flooding as she moves northeast...  so quiet today...  few people out and about...  huddled into their coats...  umbrellas into the wind shielding faces from driving rain...  darting into the greenhouse...  all is calm...  the plants shielded from the weather breathing gently in the warmth... two 150 watt lights providing a bit of heat and light.  

It was the perfect day for a bake...  the container of ricotta staring back from inside the fridge...  almond flour calling out from the freezer.   With just enough time before class the batter got mixed and poured into a springform pan...  slid into the oven...  perfect timing.

My new baby arrived the other day (6 qt cast iron enameled dutch oven in Red) by Artisan Supply (Bed, Bath & Beyond’s in house brand) and today was the day to break it in...  Winter White Bean and Spicy Sausage Soup...  came together easily with even heating across the entire pot...  a new experience for me...  cooked with lower heat as the pot retains so much on its own...  the concentric circles in the lid designed to self baste as it simmers...   very pleased with it’s performance and value...  bought one for Andrea in Denim Blue (her color choice)...  she’ll love it!  

Sad news on the covid front...  America has exceeded 150,000 new cases in a single day...  losing over 1400 souls just today 😢...  we all know pandemic  fatigue is upon us...  we must hunker down a few more months while scientists continue their important work creating a vaccine to be available to us all sometime in late spring...  stay alive...  wear a mask...  limit personal interactions...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Roaster Stuffed with Onion and Lemon, Steamed Stuffed Artichoke and Avocado Tomato Red Onion Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC... 

Vanilla skies...  clouds rolling in...  by late afternoon the constant pitter patter of raindrops...   puddles with concentric circles as drops fall...  cars splashing by...  fallen leaves 🍁 in golds reds and browns plastered to sidewalks and driveways...  folks hunched into their jackets darting into doorways...  the rain has arrived...  staying through Friday as tropical storm Eta lashes the gulf coast and drives water into the atmosphere.

Soggy weather kept Mr Sam indoors pacing the kitchen as dinner was prepped...  the occasional meow and leg rub punctuation against the endless drab exterior view.  It was a good day for a long cook against the chill and drizzle...   a whole large roaster stuffed with onion, and lemon dipped in salt...  coated with olive oil, Penzey’s powdered rosemary and Penzey’s poultry seasoning...   the scent wafting though the house and warming the kitchen.   Fresh artichokes stuffed with bread crumbs mixed with olive oil and Parmesan steamed in white wine made a delightful addition to the meal...  an avocado, tomato, red onion salad with lime juice and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc topping off supper.  

Grim news on the covid front...  140,000 new infections today...  Texas the first state to exceed 1 million cases...  almost a quarter million souls lost.  Please...  take the pandemic seriously...  this is not the time for pandemic fatigue...  wear a mask...  limit social interactions...  stay alive to celebrate next year...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Olde Bay Seasoning, Roasted Tomatoes with Balsamic and Oven Roasted Potato Medley

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Today was the last of the bright skies and mild temperatures...  autumn leaves creating colorful swirls in the road as cars pass by...  sweet smells this afternoon... the fragrance of warm air and freshly cut grass...  the buzz of the mowers and blowers filling the afternoon with activity...   rain expected tomorrow afternoon...  clouds and falling temps on the march.  

Darkness arrives these days by just after 5pm...  sunrise at almost 7am...  another week or so and we will have entered the Persephone phase...  a period when there is 10 hours or less of sunlight each day...  lasting about 10 weeks...  the darkest time of year.  

The legend...  during the dark months Persephone’s mother...  the goddess of harvest... misses her daughter as she stays with her husband, Hades...  god of the dead...  in the underworld.   She withholds her harvest from earth...   three pomegranate seeds eaten by Persephone in Hades represent the three months of darkness.  

Today was market day...  picking up a few extras as covid spikes once again throughout the country.  Virologists predicting this surge will worsen significantly during the cold months as people move indoors.   

Tonite quick post shopping supper...  roasted salmon filet with lemon and Olde Bay Seasoning...  roasted tomatoes tossed with balsamic...  leftover oven roasted potato medley...  crisp green salad and a glass of vino... the hubs enjoyed coffee and a shortbread cookie to cap off the meal.  

It is imperative that we all take personal responsibility for our health and safety as the pandemic ramps up again...  masks at all times...  limit personal interactions...  carry hand sanitizer and use it when soap and water are not available...  and wash those germy hands...  please stay alive to celebrate thanksgiving and holidays next year 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Grilled Rare Porterhouse and Oven Roasted Potato Medley

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bright blue skies...   calm winds...  temperatures in the low 70’s...  its November...  unrecognizable in its warmth...  two more days of this delightful weather before seasonable temperatures return to the Big Apple...  mid 50’s through the day and into the low 40’s at night.  Working in the greenhouse today...  collecting ripening tomatoes...  loosening soil around plants so they can breathe...  watering where needed...  sweeping leaves off the deck watching them flutter to the ground.  Squirrels digging in the garden leaving tiny round holes containing acorns everywhere...  next year we will have loads of volunteer oaks to pull up.  Found out recently that squirrels can smell acorns buried in the ground... how about that?  Amazing little thieves 🐿 

The hubs has been such a good sport lately...  enduring my often meatless meals...  quiche for dinner...  tuna casserole...  today was pay back... a big fat juicy porterhouse for supper... rare... with a side of oven roasted potato medley  and a crisp green salad.  He gets the strip side...  and the bone...  filet side for me...  an appetizer of fig and Brie on crackers with a bit of vino while the grill came up to temperature... followed by vanilla shortbread cookies straight from the oven.  It was all delicious. A mini celebration 💙

We sat on the couch after supper watching the news... the horrific increases in covid cases... now over 10 million in the US alone...  over 240,000 souls lost...  please... wear a mask...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 8 November 2020

Spicy Smokey Tuna Noodle Casserole with Broccoli & Autumn Leaves

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Glorious warmth...  picture perfect fall day...  colors on the trees in the Big Apple simply stunning...  reds and golds adorn the branches like cloaks on royalty.  Sitting on the deck... no jackets required...  sipping coffee with the hubs... planning out the day...  soaking it in before early winter grips the northeast in the coming weeks.  The squirrels 🐿 and birds 🦅 planning their cold storage...  fattening up...  the neighbors humongous pumpkin mostly devoured by millions of tiny bites...  all of earths creatures readying for the season ahead.

Visited Mom this afternoon...  bringing her weekly groceries...  sliding glass doors wide open welcoming in the fresh air and sunshine...  her apartment view from 11 floors up over the autumnal landscape vibrant in the waning sunlight...  Mom’s elevated mood a sight to behold.  Smiling and greeting  us... “Everthing will be all right now” she remarked.  We socialized for a couple of hours as her sweet aide prepared their dinner.  

Our own meal a casserole of tuna, noodles, cream of mushroom soup, fresh broccoli...  Aleppo pepper and smoked paprika...  covered with a thin layer of grated Parmesan and panko breadcrumbs...  homey and comforting.  My very first recipe in 8th grade HomeEc spruced up with broccoli and a poke of smokey heat.  

The pandemic rages on uncontrolled as over 100,000 folks per day are diagnosed.  Please take care of yourselves...  masks on...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands!

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Spiced Smokey Tuna Noodle Broccoli Casserole & Midnight Snacks

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Glorious warmth...  picture perfect fall day...  colors on the trees in the Big Apple simply stunning...  reds and golds adorn the branches like cloaks on royalty.  Sitting on the deck... no jackets required...  sipping coffee with the hubs... planning out the day...  soaking it in before early winter grips the northeast in the coming weeks.  The squirrels 🐿 and birds 🦅 planning their cold storage...  fattening up...  the neighbors humongous pumpkin mostly devoured by millions of tiny bites...  all of earths creatures readying for the season ahead.

Visited Mom this afternoon...  bringing her weekly groceries...  sliding glass doors wide open welcoming in the fresh air and sunshine...  her apartment view from 11 floors up over the autumnal landscape vibrant in the waning sunlight...  Mom’s elevated mood a sight to behold.  Smiling and greeting  us... “Everthing will be all right now” she remarked.  We socialized for a couple of hours as her sweet aide prepared their dinner.  

Our own meal a casserole of tuna, noodles, cream of mushroom soup, fresh broccoli...  Aleppo pepper and smoked paprika...  covered with a thin layer of grated Parmesan and panko breadcrumbs...  homey and comforting.  My very first recipe in 8th grade HomeEc spruced up with broccoli and a poke of smokey heat.  We needed something homemade after yesterday’s midnight night snack following our 4pm brunch celebration.  

The pandemic rages on uncontrolled as over 100,000 folks per day are diagnosed.  Please take care of yourselves...  masks on...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands!

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Spinach Onion Gouda Quiche, Homemade Flagels, Garden Salad and Mark’s Birthday Cake

 Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...

ITS FINALLY OVER!   This election season seemed like the one that would never end...  so grateful to no longer have 2673 voice mails daily from unknown callers trying to convince me to vote for Yoshel Schlumper...  so glad to NOT see any more ads on TV announcing who is the bigger yutz...  so pleased to have an end to the PILES of mail begging for funds to elect ANYBODY... gaaah!  

Today we celebrated the fact that just over 32 years ago I gave birth to a terrific man...  clearly he wasn’t a man at the time...  he was a baby 👶 but has grown into a terrific guy...  and this mama is sooo proud!  Congratulations to ME!  Oh yes, and happy happy birthday Mark!  Love you lots 💙💙❤️❤️