Thursday 27 August 2020

Sausages, Onion bread and Garden Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was another one for the books...  Laura consumed the gulf coast overnight...   we gasped at the complete destruction left in her path...  seeing the devastation on the news our hearts are heavy...  we NYers remember Sandy vividly...  the days and weeks without power...  the overwhelming loss of property and too many lives...  days and sometimes weeks when folks couldn’t purchase gasoline or food...  not having the funds needed to rebuild their shattered lives...  We mourn with you 😓

Just prior to supper the monsoon arrived...  skies turned black...  angry winds howled...  soaking sheets of rain poured down...  trees flailed wildly in the wind... our supper was quietly slipped into the oven as we ogled nature’s wrath...  the storm raged for about 30 minutes and then as suddenly as it  arrived...  it was gone...  skies cleared and the stars peeked out from behind the clouds...  night had fallen...

A salad of greenhouse tomatoes, red onion, olives, fresh basil harvested before the storm, a bit of fennel, radicchio and romaine dressed with vinegar and olive oil cut through the fattiness of the sausages...  onion bread made a delicious accompaniment along with a glass of wine...  a pinot noir for the hubs...  sauvignon blanc for me...
How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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