Sunday 9 August 2020

PIZZA & School Re-openings

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Pizza...  what deliciousness is conjured up in the mind when that magical word is uttered...  it is the perfect in between meal snack...   it is portable...   a slice fits neatly in the palm of the hand folded just right to accommodate the bite...  it has all the requisite flavors...  salt (sauce and cheese) fat (also  sauce and cheese) acid (tomatoes) and heat (red pepper flake added to the sauce and sprinkled liberally atop)

So many of you fellow foodies here on the NYTCC  made pizza this past week...  it motivated me to do the same as I drooled over your creations each day...  thanks for that... the results were sooo worth the effort 💞😷

This pizza (courtesy of King Arthur Flour) cooked in the 14” cast iron... 450°F for 20 - 25 minutes...  sported toppings of shredded chicken...  ricotta...  kalamata olives...  and a hefty dose of Parmesan...  it was spectacular.  Served alongside a crisp green salad and a bright Sauvignon Blanc made for a wonderful supper following our weekly visit to Mom.

She is doing well...  healthy...  cheery...  walking 16 laps each day in two sets of 8...  glad to have a visit with us and a video chat with her grandson and grandDIL on her iPhone via WhatsApp.  We brought her a new stack of books to read...  she has finished all the novels available and so we move on to non-fiction this month.

Governor Cuomo has authorized schools to re-open in the fall so long as the COVID new case rate stays below 5% in the state and 3% within NYC.  He has given parents the flexibility to choose either home schooling, classroom schooling or a mixture of both and set up red flags which will close a school if the virus begins to spread either among staff or children for a period of time to clean the school and track & trace...

There are mixed opinions regarding this announcement...  although many agree that kids learn better in class there is much concern that kids, teachers and staff will be at high risk in this environment.  Early school openings in other countries have shown poor results with many developing new outbreaks...  summer camp results here in the US have shown the same kind of spread...  we are concerned for the health and well being of all students, teachers and staff and welcome your opinions...
How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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