Tuesday 11 August 2020

Chili Lime Chicken Thighs & Watermelon Feta Salad

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Today was busy...  laundry all morning...  work all afternoon...  4:30pm escaped outside to play in the garden...  it was still very warm...  90°F today...  Mr Sam joined in when the hubs arrived from work...  getting a good rub in the process.

All the babies are growing...  cucumber and squash bursting forth while the root vegetables growing underground give up few secrets.  The herb garden is doing well as always...  herbs need little care and grow well even in the poorest of soils...  I am encouraged by the results in the greenhouse...   though we started in late July growth is steady at the three week mark...

We sat on the deck with Mr Sam sharing the days events and before we realized it was time for supper.  Chili lime chicken thighs quick marinated and grilled to perfection crisp skin...  moist juicy meat...  alongside a refreshing watermelon feta salad...  our lovely neighbor gifted us a delicious loaf of fresh bread from her restaurant which we enjoyed with supper along with a grilled red pepper...  a crisp Sauvignon Blanc rounded out the meal.

Our country has reached a very grim milestone...  5 million plus cases of COVID...  the virus wins as too many of us experience quarantine fatigue.  We cannot allow ourselves to become complacent as regards our health and the necessary protocols required to keep us safe until we have either an effective remedy or a vaccine...  of the 20 million COVID cases worldwide 733,000 died while another 12 million recovered making the pandemics mortality rate just under 4%...  for comparison the seasonal flu has a mortality rate of .1% making COVID 40 times more contagious and deadly than the flu.  Please wear a mask...   stay safe...  💞😷
How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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