Friday 14 August 2020

Friday Night Chili

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
They’re baaaaack...  today the crew stained the cedar shakes on the upper part of the house...  what a difference...  looks much more like a home and less like a hovel...   of course, the lower part of the house...  the wooden planks...  still looking very sad... one job at a time...  each part has to dry thoroughly before we can proceed to the next...  it’s a work in progress...

The hubs came home exhausted from the days travails once again...  the heat takes a toll...  although we had planned to have a cold fish supper ( tuna, sardines, anchovies and raw veggies) he looked so tired it was time for a pick me up supper...  one of his favorites...  chili.

This version with 85/15 ground sirloin & dark red kidney beans was enhanced by the addition of spices that graced our Lebanese eggplant  boats yesterday...  and the result was resoundingly delightful...  the warmth of the cinnamon and cumin against the fruitiness of the allspice worked especially well alongside the fresh onion and garlic inside the chili.  The hubs finished up the Pinot Noir...  I opted for the Sauvignon Blanc.  It was a quick simple dish that worked well for a tired guy needing to relax after a tough week.

Just before supper we were able to connect with the family of the marine who recently married and is moving south.  Hoping our two huuuge bags of linens and curtains help them in their new life together...  it was an honor to acknowledge his service...
How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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