Thursday 6 August 2020

Porterhouse, Elote, Grilled Mini Pizzas, Baba Ghanouj & Seared Red Pepper

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Tonite’s supper is brought to you by the numbers 5, 3 & 1...
Five photos of all the different parts of supper...
Five ears of elote corn broken into easy to eat size pieces...
Three mini pizzas covered with melty cheese...
One rare porterhouse steak cooked to perfection...
One bowl of baba ghanouj smokey from the grill...
And one red pepper seared on the grill ready to peel...

Today was a bit dull... spent it doing necessary paperwork (yuck) paying  bills (double yuck)  making phone calls (yawn) about bills and paperwork...  and doing the grind that keeps homes and businesses moving forward...

I had planned to do some laundry as well (excitement?) but finally gave it all up and went outside to play in the garden.  It was warm with a soft breeze by late afternoon and the babies were all snuggled in their pots and grow bags...  happy after a long drink and daily dose of sunshine.

On the deck the cucumbers are tall, twirling their tendrils around the piece of chicken wire tied to the railing encouraging their climb.  The basil now tops two feet and after today’s second haircut...  8” off the top...  is getting bushier and bushier.  The four eggplants hidden under downy leaves in the greenhouse are almost ready to harvest and the second planting of snap peas are beginning to show their first sets of leaves.

The radishes will all be harvested in about a week thereby freeing up space for a second planting.  Root veggies (carrots, beets, turnips) are busy growing underground sending up a few leaves to show their progress.  Arugula seedlings are filling out (now I know why it’s called rocket lettuce) and will be ready for their first haircut in another week or so.

Our tomato plants have produced a bumper crop of cherrys and romas...  glad they’re ripening at intervals...  our second planting of tomatoes are beginning to show flowers and our third planting are now just a few inches tall.  We are hoping to harvest through the fall months inside the greenhouse.
How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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