Sunday 2 August 2020

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC... It’s Sunday... and that means a visit with Mom... it’s been just over a year since the stroke left her disabled... unable to speak well, walk or swallow... with a marked droop on the left side of her face... my 89 year old Mom is incredibly resilient...

Today she is thriving... walking 12 laps each day around her apartment with her walker... her swallowing and speaking are almost completely normal... and her face has realigned completely... we are thrilled to see her amazing recovery... during the pandemic she has been walking tirelessly... reading... taught her aide how to play honeymoon bridge... speaks with her friends daily over the phone... and visits with us each Sunday for just over 2 hours... masks on (for us) and distanced... she has weathered the storm with grace and dignity and we are so proud of her!!

We returned from our visit with some time to relax before supper. The hubs took a brief nap while I played in the greenhouse and garden. Picked our first two roma tomatoes today and a bunch more cherrys. Eggplant are growing daily and the cucumbers are getting tall. After supper we packed up the deck chairs and tables as Isaias is headed straight for NYC on Tuesday packing expected winds of 50 mph and about 3” of rain thus far. The greenhouse is tethered to the deck and we are hoping it sustains no damage... fingers crossed 🤞

While the hubs slept supper came together... the kefta was so delicious we had it again with flatbread, yogurt sauce, lime wedge and a crisp green salad...

We recorded all of the Mission Impossible movies recently and have been enjoying them immensely... for the second or maybe the fourth time... who knows... they’re fun... watching them in order... we are up to number three next. Thank goodness for fast forward... zipping through the deluge of commercials shortens the duration by at least 50%... 😅😂🤣 All in all a very relaxing weekend... How was your day? What’s on your plate? Thoughts?

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