Friday 21 August 2020


Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Enchilada night here in the Big Apple... time to clean out the fridge...  use up all those bits and bobs of meals hanging around in continainers...  make something new and delicious...  and thus supper was born...

Now that the painting is finished, today was a chance to relax...   complete necessary paperwork...  make a few phone calls...  spend time in the garden fussing over the babies.  Cucumbers are beginning to appear...  currently about 1” long...  second tomato plantings beginning to show tiny fruit...   turnip greens growing large...  it’s thrilling to watch all the babies grow and flourish...

The Democratic Convention has finished...  the message...  rebuilding and reuniting well received...  Monday begins the Republican Convention...  curious to hear the platform and plans for America...  listening with an open mind to all points of view...  so important at this time of crisis to decide which party truly reflects the values and beliefs we feel will benefit our nation...
Hearing both sides...  not living in an echo chamber of sameness...
Something every voter should do for their own peace of mind...
How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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