Tuesday 4 August 2020

Isaias: Fettuccine with Parmesan and Peas & Turkey Meatballs

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...
Today was windy...  Isaias blew in around mid morning...  at first she was friendly...  a little boisterous and full of herself.  By very early afternoon she was getting testy...  becoming tense and feeling overwhelmed...  at about mid afternoon she had a full blown hairy that lasted all the way into very late afternoon and early evening.  She seemed completely out of control...  knocking over trees....  blowing large limbs around...  covering the wet ground and roadways with leaves and small branches...  lifting up and throwing any object that wasn’t nailed down...  it went on for almost three hours...  the howling wind with frequent screams up to 70mph.  Finally about mid way through her foot kicking...  fist pounding...  on the floor tantrum...  she let out her most angry winds fueling tornadic activity at over 100mph in spots all over the tri-state area...  after a full 90 minutes she seemed to be losing steam.  She picked up her skirts and moved north to harass the neighbors...  but before leaving she turned and gave us one final blast just before supper time.  It was awe inspiring and terrifying all at once... by the time we were sitting down to supper the skies were bright blue with high wispy clouds and the sun was shining...  incredible...

The greenhouse survived the ordeal intact.  I watched worriedly from inside the kitchen looking out onto the deck as Isaias threw her most violent winds right at the back wall...  thank goodness for the lashing the hubs set up attaching it to the deck...  it groaned and shuddered many times, but never broke.  One panel on the back wall loosened a bit...  a small fix for tomorrow when we can remove the lashings and reset the base.  All the babies survived without harm sequestered inside...  door and roof vent closed and fan running for air movement.  Whew...  we made it!

I want to thank all of you for your positive thoughts and prayers...  it meant a great deal to my heart to have your support through this event.  So many trees down...  wires detached from electrical supply poles...  transistors blown...  a large area of the neighborhood dark tonite...  we are fortunate not to be among those without power.

Simple supper tonite...  fettuccini with Parmesan and peas...  turkey meatballs...  wine, of course, red for him, white for me...  Haagen Dazs Coffee Chocolate Chip ice cream for dessert...
How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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