Saturday 1 August 2020

Greenhouse Photo Op

Quarantine activities of the day... Live from NYC... Today was photo day in the greenhouse... everyone perked up for their portraits after a good watering and feeding... The eggplants are coming along nicely... they like to grow underneath the downy leaves giving them shade... Our radishes are almost grown, a second planting in a week or two... they are spicy and hot... Basil is doing fabulously, we enjoy it most nights in salads or on pasta... The babies in their grow bags are happy and healthy... cukes getting bigger fast... carrots & turnips busy underground... arugula getting bigger every day... collards will arrive toward fall... tomato plants beginning to produce cherries, romas and big boys with a couple of plants behind for fall harvesting... Not pictured are the perennial herbs in the garden growing beautifully... among them we have planted Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, and watermelon... Nasturtiums are sporting baby leaves... The bee feed flower seeds are tiny tips peeking above the soil... Crimson clover is now 2” high... can’t wait to see their stunning flowers... The joy of being in the greenhouse, tending to the plants and watching them grow and produce is s dream come true... During this COVID pandemic it is critical to find some small joys to bring relaxation and relieve stress... How are you coping? Please share your ideas and tips... thoughts?

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