Tuesday 30 November 2021

Snapper, Farro, Roasted Tomatoes and Butternut Squash & Snoozing Mr Sam

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

🎶 Blue skies 🎵 nothing but blue skies  🎶 blue skies do I see 🎵 

Puffy clouds letting the sun play hide and seek…  two sparrows on a power line chatting amiably…  waiting for the light to change…  surprise…  stunning row of trees…  dressed in bright yellow leaves…  canopy sheltered from the harsh winds…  perfect day for a drive 🍂 🍁 

Breakfast…  coffee ☕️ for two… eggs and toast for the hubs…  english muffin with munster for yours truly…  zooming out the door taking Mom for her check up…  excellent report all around…  enjoying the outing and drive 😘

Afternoon of catch up calls… paperwork… the finally off to the kitchen for a chance to relax and COOK… aaahhhh 🙃

Super tonite… appetizer of brie, gorgonzola and horseradish cheddar with a few triscuits…  the main event…  roasted fresh caught snapper with olive oil herbs and lime 🎣 farro with onion and chicken stock 🌾 roasted tomatoes 🍅 and baked butternut squash with cinnamon…  served alongside Line 39 Sauvignon Blanc…  cheers 🥂 

Mr Sam…primo kitchen helper and taster extraordinaire… lounging in his favorite box while dinner is prepared…  too cute 🥰😽

Omicron has arrived… it was only a matter of time…  vaxxed yet?  Now would be a good time to #GetYourJabOn  avoiding the eventuality…  meanwhile… mask up… limit interactions… glide through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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