Saturday 20 November 2021

Pernil, Chicharrón, Brown Basmati Rice, Egg Onion Rolls and Slaw

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Cloudless skies…  breezy…  temps not able to reach  50°F with ineffective sunshine…  weather vacillating…  unusually warm…  unseasonably cold…  squirrels 🐿 busily fattening up…  cold months ahead…  munching acorns 🌰  burying them in the ground…  nibbling remaining vegetation as autumn approaches it’s close…  many trees already waving leafless arms…  standing like naked soldiers awaiting orders 

Saturday…  no chores…  no calls…  no paperwork…  no errands…  kitchen play day 🙃

Breakfast alongside prepping pork shoulder for pernil…  hot coffee ☕️ for two… the hubs enjoying his omelette and toast… yours truly seasoning the patted dry meat for the slow cooker…  salt, pepper, garlic, onion, thyme, oregano, smoked paprika and turmeric…  bone going into the freezer for stock…  folding the pork back into itself…  fat side down…  into the slow cooker on high for the next three hours ⏰ 

Some time available while the pork cooks…  unraveling the dining room (aka storage room) from the pandemic…  putting away extra safety equipment…  small box of N95 masks…  extra packs of surgical masks…  bottles of hand sanitizer…  boxes of poly gloves…  clearing out the clutter…  making space 

Popping over to the market for shredded cabbage…  time to make the slaw…  squeezing in the salt “cooking” the cabbage… dressed with a creamy lemon dijonaise…  egg onion rolls… brown basmati rice… three perfect accompaniments to the pernil

Out of the slow cooker and onto a roasting pan covered with parchment…  fat side up…  long slits cut into the fat to render and baste the pork through the next two hours of baking at 350°F…  skin crisping up… chícharrón… meat tender and juicy…  been making various pernil recipes for over 20 years…  this was the best one yet…  so pleased with the outcome…  forgot to snap a photo of the meal…  just the slaw… 

Such a treat for the hubs…  his favorite supper… celebrating his graduation from PT… served alongside a delicious Cabernet 🍷 Cheers 

Thanksgiving and the winter holidays coming up…  families gathering to enjoy food and company after a long lonely year of pandemic  #GetYourJabOn  don’t be the one to spread covid to your loved ones 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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