Thursday 1 July 2021

Kefta, Lemon Potatoes, Greek Peas, Pita and Mom’s A-Fib

 Restoration supper tonite…. live from NYC…

The cool down has finally begun… 84°F on the old thermometer with pea soup humidity…  the air feeling thick…  hazy sun not burning off the morning mist… by early afternoon rain pouring down in sheets…  a two block walk soaking both feet and arms…  summer in The Big Apple has arrived 🍎 

The hubs and yours truly dropped Miss Julia off at JFK airport this morning (with her four humongous suitcases… stuffed with goodies) at 9am only to discover her flight delayed an hour 😟 and connection missed in Salt Lake City… what a delight to have her here with us for a whole glorious week… regaling us with stories of delicious food… fabulous shopping… the American School in Rabat and her travels in and around Morocco 🇲🇦 

Back home to iced coffee 🧋a half bagel with lox… complements of Julia… with the hubs before dashing to the hospital to visit Mom… granola bar in hand.  Leaving the parking lot… a couple of blocks to the hospital… skies opened up…  rain pouring down… scooting into the lobby with wet feet and arms the blast of air conditioning causing an audible gasp… quite chilling… popped into AuBonPain in the lobby for a cup of hot tea ☕️ Who’d have thought yesterday in 97°F heat that a cup of hot tea would be on the menu! 

Mom is coming along… she was groggy and tired… in hospital from a bout of a-fib… a condition where the heart beats out of sinus rhythm very rapidly…  quite frightening for both Mom and us… after trying several medications to calm and reset her cardiac rhythm yesterday… this morning she was sedated and received a treatment to reset and correct her cardiac function… so far so good.  Now it’s important to find out what precipitated this event and a treatment path forward… time will tell… thus far she is out of immediate danger 🤞🥰

The weather gods took pity… walking back to the car and drive home was dry… pea soup humid… but no rain.  Put together a quick supper of leftover Arakas Latheros (Greek peas) and Ellinikos Lemoni Patatas (Greek lemon potatoes) a few leftover pita triangles… all warmed in the oven… from one of our favorite local restaurants (Mythos) along with homemade Kefta made from turkey and Za-atar and a glass of crisp cold Bogle Sauvignon Blanc… delicious… relaxing to be in the kitchen at the end of a long day and enjoy a delicious meal with the hubs 🥰

Covid Delta variant is spreading among unvaccinated Americans… several stages reporting increased cases… time to get vaxxed folks… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then… mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 😄💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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