Friday 9 July 2021

Fry-day… Burger King Chicken Sandwiches… JrWhoppers and Fries

 Restoration supper tonite…. live from NYC…

Elsa has left the Big Apple 🍎 we survived to face another day…  temps  more seasonal… mid 80’s… humidity still in the ‘feeliin’ it’ range… over 60%… not quite pea soup…  am seriously missing our little robin family… seeing the fledglings now and then in the grass or flying low into the trees… they’re teenagers… spreading their little wings and figuring out who they will be as adults next season. 

Iced coffee 🧋and a pb&j on rye for breakfast… the hubs duplicating the sandwich with his hot morning java… Mr Sam on the deck… humidity be damned… stretching on the warm boards he is thrilled to be outside after so many days of rain and confinement…  

Dropping the hubs off at PT… zooming off to the hospital to see Mom post procedure…  she is exhausted… somewhat hungry (no food or water permitted before) BUT her rhythm is back in sinus with a pulse of 67!!  So hoping it holds this time… the nurses carefully monitoring her… they have high hopes that she will stay in sinus rhythm as her medications are adjusted… her infections cleared and her edema much lessened 🤞🤞🤞

Our adorable DIL picked the hubs up from PT and brought him home to shower up and take care of Mr Sam… coming home from the hospital feeling emotional and weepy… not in the mood to cook tonite…  had take out…  a Chicken Sandwich from Burger King along with fries (cause it’s fry-day) the hubs having a chicken sandwich and two Jr Whoppers with a few fries…  since we almost never eat fast food it was kind of a junky treat… loads of calming carbs… along with a Modelo Negro to wash it all down 🍔 🍟 

Covid Delta variant is now the dominant strain of new infections… almost exclusively among the unvaccinated… please… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  Why wait? Being sick is no fun… especially in the summer ☀️ mask up… limit interactions… gallop thru the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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