Wednesday 7 July 2021

Salmon with Roasted Tomatoes & Roasted Potatoes … Cantaloupe and Peaches

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Another hot one today…  94°F and humid… searing the Big Steaming Apple… one of those when outside is just too hot 🥵 even for birds and squirrels… not a soul to be found save a couple of butterflies in the herb garden…

Mama robins babies have fledged… the nest lies empty… the family has flown the coop… all successfully cared for by momma and poppa… missing their cute little chirps but glad they have flown off to find their own mates and create more robins next season 🐦

Iced coffee 🧋and a banana today… the hubs classic cottage cheese and fruit along with his hot cup of Java… outside temperature insignificant… he likes his cup HOT ☕️ packed up a couple of sandwiches 🥪 and off to the hospital to visit Mom.  Her breathing has improved…. less labored…. Her heart rhythm still out of sync but pulse slowed enormously…  successfully treated for her underlying infection…  next step is correcting her sinus rhythm… conference tomorrow to discuss options… we shall see…

Special thanks to all of you folks who have shared your own experiences with a fib… either personal or close family member… the information is invaluable and gives great hope for Mom’s positive outcome… thank you for your caring and supportive outpourings… it is all so incredibly appreciated ❤️❤️❤️

Got home just in time for a blast of wind and torrential downpours followed by several hours of thunderstorms… took out a large tree which fell across the street miraculously not injuring anyone or taking out power lines…

Supper… salmon with roasted tomatoes and roasted potatoes… a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc alongside… cantaloupe and peaches for dessert… a light and quick supper… a smidgen of self care and relaxation after another long day

Covid delta variant now the major threat… infecting unvaccinated folks… #GetYourJabOn if you haven’t done so yet…  not worth the risk of getting sick this summer or fall… meanwhile… mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 💕☺️

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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