Thursday 8 July 2021

Pizza Night

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Another heat blast today…  93°F with virtually no breeze… bright sun… hazy humid skies… a lone hawk sitting atop a light pole surveying for lunch… proud head held high… waiting for that perfect moment to pounce… endless patience.

Iced coffee 🧋a banana… the hubs with his hot cup… cottage cheese with berries and banana…  too warm for breakfast on the deck… the greenhouse registering over 95°F… spent time cooling down the plants with a good watering and misting…  removing dead foliage and tying up drooping limbs on the humongous tomato plants… all the way to the ceiling and continuing to grow scrunched up against the peak and out the hatch… incredible!  lots of baby cucumbers, peppers and little tomatoes forming… so exciting to see fruit appearing 🍅 🫑 🥒 lettuce bolted a bit in the heat… nasturtiums climbing into the cucumbers… delightful ☺️

Packed up sandwiches… an apple and trail mix for lunch… off to the hospital to visit Mom… her heart rate is closer to normal varying between 80 and 115 bpm… down significantly from earlier in the week… the plan is another shock tomorrow to try and get her back in sinus rhythm…  hoping for a positive outcome 🤞she is understandably nervous 😬 trying to reassure her 🥰

Pizza night! Quick and easy… the dough has been fermenting in the fridge for about 10 days… it was super pliable and made a nice thin crust with excellent flavor…  coated in olive oil… stretched… rested and stretched again… topped with mozzarella and jalapeño jack… sliced tomatoes… garlic and onion flake… thyme… parsley… arugula… a bit of olive oil to moisten the arugula… finally more mozzarella and jalapeño jack… 450°F oven for 20 minutes… rested for 5 minutes… topped with fresh basil chiffonade and voilà… pizza 🍕 we ate the whole thing with a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc alongside… so refreshing 😋

Delta variant of covid spreading across the US rapidly… responsible for the uptick in cases and hospitalizations… apparently more transmissible and more virulent… as per the CDC… #GetYourJabOn as soon as possible to avoid getting sick this summer!!  Meanwhile… mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy ha ds 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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