Friday 16 July 2021

Let’s Have Shrimp For Supper

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC….

Hazy hot and humid… the signature weather of NYC in the summer…  the Big Sweaty Apple 🍎  temps at or near 90°F with 70% humidity…  sitting on the deck just as the sun sets… sharing a cold ale with the hubs… … pair of cardinals flirting… hopping from branch to branch in one of the oaks just overhead… so fun watching them chirping…  their red crests flashing brightly in the late afternoon sun ☀️ 

Iced coffee 🧋and a dark rye bagel with cream cheese wrapped and ready to go… picking up the hubs from PT… dropping him off at home… taking off to visit Mom at REHAB… yay!!  

Mom is out of the hospital and in an acute rehab facility about 35 minutes away.  She is exhausted… hospitals are anything but restful 🏥  Checked into rehab yesterday just before supper… today she did three hours of work… physical, occupational and speech (swallowing) therapy… by rest time she was fast asleep 😴 having a snooze 💤 hated to wake her but visiting hours end promptly at 6pm and her therapies end at 3:30pm… not a lot of time for a visit… it’s okay with us… she is there to work and regain her strength! 

Got back late… 35 minute drive taking 1 1/2 hours due to TRAFFIC 😩 Hubs had already prepped a salad and set up the kitchen for supper… too tired for anything fancy… defrosted a few cooked shrimp… hubs enjoyed his skewered grilled beef… made a quick sauce…  poured a cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc… voilà 🍤  

A covid delta variant pandemic surge is now happening among the unvaccinated… numbers of infections increasing exponentially… if you haven’t been vaxxed make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn 💉 this isn’t over folks… LA county reinstated their mask mandate effective today and cases are rising in all 50 states… don’t become a statistic… we have already lost over 600,000 souls 😢💕😷

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