Friday 30 July 2021

Greek Night… Bifteki… Maroulosalata… Horiatiki… Sautéed Beet Greens… Roasted Chayote, Carrots and 1 Baby Green Pepper

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Bright blue skies… a break from the haze… temps in the mid 80’s… humidity comfortable… overall a lovely day.  Still no squirrels 🐿 visible… though today one of her nests fell to the sidewalk… fortunately uninhabited 😳 she busily made another…  letting many small branches fall as she interwove them in the nook of the tree.  Couldn’t spot the noisy blue jay squawking in the neighbors bushes… but a flash of red brought attention to the cardinal pair flirting in our oaks.

Iced coffee 🧋the hubs enjoying his hot java with oatmeal and blueberries… fridge looking bare… time for a market run.  Dropped the hubs off at PT… dashed to the market… grabbed our weekly produce needs… a few dairy items… zoomed back to pick him up… then home.  

With Mom doing double PT sessions this week and a big accident on the roadway leading out to rehab… skipped today’s visit.  Gave her a call to chat for a while… she was resting in bed before supper… tired from the days activity….  looking forward to seeing the hubs tomorrow and both of us on Sunday.  A much needed day off for self care and relaxation 😁

Spent time in the greenhouse today… so refreshing to commune with the plants… fuss over them… give them drinks and love… the tomatoes 🍅 are beginning to ripen here and there… parsley 🌿 thick and luscious… couple more cucumbers 🥒 getting bigger by the day… pulled off a pile of dead leaves to prevent mold or rot… readjusted the fan to blow directly on the tomato plants… all the babies are happy and healthy 😁 Mr Sam lying on the deck a few feet away eyeing the greenhouse door… wishing he could munch… parsley sprig…  a snack for the puss 😻

Supper tonite… Greek night… bifteki… sautéed beet greens… roasted chayote squash… carrots… one teeny pepper that fell off the plant in the greenhouse…  maroulosalata… a delicious green salad with scallions and dill…  horiatiki… tomato cucumber salad…  a glass of Cabernet for the hubs… Sauvignon Blanc for yours truly 😋

Covid delta variant exploding across the US…  #GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit interactions… buzz through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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