Sunday 1 August 2021

Skirt Steak… Cowboy Caviar… Tomato Cucumber Salad… Focaccia… Watermelon & Marbled Banana Bread

 Resurgence supper tonite…. live from NYC…

A taste of autumn… low humidy… temps near 75°F bright blue skies…  picture perfect day… our friends out west suffocating with heat and smokey conditions.  Few animals out and about today… at night an opossum family meandering through the herb garden… spotted us then fled.  Temps cooling down enough for a fire after supper… such fun 🥰

Iced coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 the hubs taking his hot cup to go… he is visiting Mom today…  playing rummy… sharing a meal together… spoke with her via phone… she was ebullient… loves her son in law 🥰

tomorrow my day to visit… since we are only permitted on visitor at bedside alternating in the best choice...  

Tonites supper… grilled skirt steaks (thanks Danicha) cowboy caviar…  tomato 🍅 cucumber 🥒 salad with parsley and mint… focaccia… delightful Cabernet… watermelon cubes and marbled banana bread slices with coffee…. Delicious 😋 

Covid delta variant soaring in most of America… south broiling under extreme heat advisory… west burning out of control…  northeast experiencing the third wettest July on record…  climate change has arrived… while we wait for weather to stabilize (is that even possible any longer) #GetYourJabOn  mask up… limit Interactions… slide through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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