Friday 27 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day eighteeen... Saturday August 28, 2021

Bamp bamp bamp... the alarm walking us out of sound sleep... 8 am.... the kids all packed and ready... loads of hugs and kisses... waving as they drove away... back to bed for a morning nap... waking later than normal but ready for the day... breakfast of toasted buttered multigrain seede bread and iced coffee the hubs enjoying his usual... cottage cheese with black pepper... along with his hot java... and of course... water a mid morning treat... the last donut scarfed down with his second coffee

Straightening up... laundry day... sheets... towels... folding and storing blankets... pillows... prepping their rooms for our exit in a week and a half... the hubs repairing a screen in the garage shop... he loves being out there... so roomy... tools galore... a real playground

Speaking with Mom each day we are gone... she is improving... becoming more stable each day... nurses visits... PT, OT and speech therapists visiting multiple times each week... helping her regain lost skills... her sweet aides managing her care perfectly

Resurgence supper tonite... leftovers from The Twin Owls Restaurant a few fresh sautéed shrimp rounding out the meal... bison... filet... asparagus... string beans scalloped potatoes... a bit of leftover Thai... roast pork fried rice... cellophane noodles... and of course... water and a modeló negro

Weather cooperating... bright azure skies... light winds... low humidity... cool evenings with blustery winds... perfect for sleeping... showers many late afternoons greening the mountains dusting the peaks with fresh snow

Double feature... Ransom... Mel Gibson & Renee Russo... an excellent Ron Howard film... and State of Play with Russell Crowe and Ben Afflek... also well done.... Off to bed... nighty night

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