Tuesday 3 August 2021

Roasted Salmon with Cowboy Caviar & Greenhouse Tomatoes and Avocado Salad

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Humidity a bit higher today… skies hazier… still a comfortable temp… in the low 80’s… found out our squirrel 🐿 has moved across the street and is decimating our neighbors vegetable garden… it’s a daily race to see who gets the tomatoes 🍅 so far our neighbor says she is winning 😋

Back to iced coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 today… tummy all better… the hubs enjoying his hot java with a cheese omelette.  Packed and ready to go pick up Mom at rehab… 

A call from the doctor…  Mom isn’t being released today 😔… edema isn’t fully cleared up… oxygen saturation level on room air too low.  Cardiology will examine and review her meds… make appropriate adjustments… she will need observation a few more days.  The hubs came with to rehab… we took turns keeping Mom company in between physical therapy sessions and her supper.  She is nervous but understanding that it’s too soon to go home yet… few more days to get her meds right… recovery… always three steps forward and two steps back… getting close 🥰

During one extended PT session… took a drive into town… shared lunch… hubs enjoying flaming hot Jamaican jerk wings with cole slaw and Bleu cheese dip… waaaay to hot for me… scrambled eggs on a roll with cheese and bacon on the side… sharing bacon 🥓 with the hubs.  He is in hog heaven… enjoying his mega spicy wings… beads of sweat collecting on his head… creamy cole slaw cooling the heat.  Just watching him enjoy his super spicy meal is fun! 

Supper tonite…  roasted salmon with the last of the cowboy caviar atop… greenhouse tomatoes with avocado and lime juice… just a touch of olive oil… incredibly sweet tomatoes 🍅 creamy avocado 🥑 and that hit of acid from the lime… perfect!  Watched The Fugitive with Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford… excellent movie… great distraction 🎥 

NYC enacting vaccine requirements in September for indoor dining…. movies… theater… gyms… museums… concerts… visitors must show either vaccination card or NYS Excelsior Pass showing active vaccination status or be turned away….  still unconvinced?  Speak to your health care provider about your concerns and risks #GetYourJabOn it’s important… mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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