Wednesday 18 August 2021

 Estes Pak, Colorado... Day eight... Wednesday August 18, 2021

Popping out of bed feeling rested and ready for the day... coffee yummy multi grain buttered toast... bananas... and... of course... water a hearty breakfast for all... the hubs enjoying his yogurt and berries as well... put together a quick lunch to go... four sandwiches a couple of apples granola bar... trail mix... four jackets... field glasses... four bottles of water and we’re off...

A delightful drive into Rocky Mountain National Park quick stop at Beaver Meadows Visitor Center to get our timed entry passes... and onto a new adventure! Trail Ridge Road runs along the tops of the mountains ⛰ up to an altitude of 12,500’ above sea level... a winding two way narrow road... speed limit 25-35 mph... loads of switchbacks and pull offs for photographs and short hiking trails. Beginning our drive at about 8000’ filled with anticipation and excitement... within 30 minutes massive thunderstorms ⛈ blanketing the mountains... deluges of rain obscuring the windshield... rivulets running across the roadway... crawling ahead at less than 10 mph.... suddenly the rain mixing with hail... bouncing off the car... accumulating on the sides of the roadway... in the trees and brush... creeping slowly around switchbacks... no guard rails... steep inclines dropping 500’ or more off the roadway edge... around a bend and... YAY... the storm is breaking ahead... sun beaming through the clouds... hail ending... rain slowing... pull out ahead... altitude marker... 10,300’... exiting the vehicle the breeze icy against warm skin... grateful for warm jackets...

Lunch stop... sandwiches and water sitting on the rock wall gazing out across the valley... storm hovering above opposite peaks... rain clearly visible... cascading down from dark clouds in sheets... chipmunks scurrying up begging for food... signs posted asking folks not to feed the animals... fat golden mantle ground squirrel sunning on a rock below... Clark’s Nutcracker brazen enough to come right up and hop along the wall pecking scraps... visiting the bathroom (pit toilets) then off to our next stop...

Storm hovering just off the road... rounding a few more switchbacks... poof... arriving above the tree line the tundra appears... another pull off ahead... stunning views amongst dwarfed pines and junipers... bright clusters of miniature flowers dotting the landscape... altitude 11,750’... air is thin and cold as we delight in the views... we have arrived at the top of the world. The short hike to Rock Cut... less than 1⁄4 mile... marred by rain... enjoying the view within the warmth of the vehicle... time to turn back...

The road back permits stops at cutouts not available on the drive up... next stop a sunny overlook with a short hike around stunted pines revealing stunning views of the valley below... our last stop back in Beaver Meadows... a group of young bucks feeding in the meadow... yearling... two year... three year... two adult males with handsome racks... white tailed deer such healthy specimens...

Driving home ooohs and aaahs flowing as we extoll the beauty and majesty of the Rocky Mountains and our drive along Trail Ridge Road.... a brief rest before supper along with many glasses of water to slake our thirst.

Resurgence supper tonite... leftover night... crispy fried chicken... moist meatloaf... Greek Eggplant Stew with Cauliflower and Kalamata Olives over brown rice... lots of water and the last of the most delicious ever blackberry pie and tea for dessert. Enjoying another crackling fire reliving the delights of the day… off to bed… nighty night 

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