Monday 9 August 2021

Skirt Steak, Horiatiki, Prassini, Grilled Zucchini & Onions & Corn

 Resurgence supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

🎶Rain rain go away… come again another day 🎶 the incessant drip drip drip of light rain on an off through the day… standing outside feeling as if it’s a light mist…  but shortly thereafter shirt and hair becoming soaked…  a good day for sparrows bathing in the puddle at the bottom of the drive… robins plucking worms from the wet grass…  plants enjoying the wetness as it soaks their leaves and stems running off into the soil…

Iced coffee🧋and a few cheese cubes.. the hubs enjoying eggs and toast with his hot cup…  stopping by to visit Mom at home… she is happy to be back in familiar surroundings.  A big smile attesting to her pleasure.  

Spent time in the greenhouse yesterday… missed a couple of days… found a surprise bonanza of cucumbers 🥒 and tomatoes 🍅 

Family supper tonite… two salads…. prassini salata… green Greek salad of chopped romaine… scallions… dill and a bit of mint in a lemon vinaigrette… so fresh and delicious… and horiatiki salata… Greek village salad… tomatoes 🍅 cucumbers 🥒 red onion 🧅 basil 🌿and Greek oregano… usually includes feta… but had none…  also with lemon vinaigrette…  served alongside fresh corn… grilled skirt steak and grilled zucchini and onions… 

apple tart for dessert from our favorite local bakery… delicious 😋

Been reminding folks to #GetYourJabOn mask up… sail through the market and wash those germy hands for months now… hoping the message is getting out… take care of yourselves… so important 😷💞

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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