Tuesday 24 August 2021

 Estes Park, Colorado... Day fifteen... Wednesday August 25, 2021

Waking once again to a quiet house... the kids out on their big hike... 8 miles total... Glacier Gorge Junction to Alberta Falls then up to Mills Lake... stunning views... breakfast... iced coffee and a coffee roll... the hubs enjoying his hot java with same... and of course... water a treat from the prior nights donut haul... by midday the hike completed the kids returning to gather themselves for their afternoon visit to the famous Stanley Hotel

enjoying cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at the elegant wooden bar... followed by a walk through town...

Taking a walk through the neighborhood... majestic mountain views ⛰ spotted a handsome eight point elk nibbling flowers in a neighbors garden... a female and her four fawns bounding through the tall grasses a few blocks away... our buddy Henry the hare munching flowers in the neighbors walkway...

Resurgence supper tonite... tuna with celery red onion and lemon dijonaise atop toasted multigrain seeded bread with cheddar slices... lettuce and grape tomatoes and of course... water light and filling after our big meal out the prior night...

Kids returning from their activities to relax and nap... weather finally descending into the low 60’s... time for a crackling evening fire Spending time chatting with Jesse & Elena while Mark & Drea napped... Drea joining after a couple of hours... Elena heading off to sleep... followed shortly by Jesse... the hubs Drea and yours truly chatting until about 1am... a bit of soot accumulating on the mantle needing washing down... such a delight to spend time with them all... as the fire burned down... off to bed... Nighty night

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