Monday 26 July 2021

Burger night with Salad

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

UPDATE…  NNYTCC wouldn’t post this today… they suggested I revise it… nope… it stands as is…

Folks… so sorry to have to change the name of this post once again… 

Covid is surging in America due to the combination of the delta variant and the unvaccinated… we can longer celebrate covid declining… sad 🥺😢

A warm day… almost 90°F on the old thermometer… luckily humidity comfortable… sparrows taking dust baths at the bottom of the drive… a blue jay squalking in the oak tree… gulls soaring overhead… flying inland before the approaching storms…  blue skies dulled by the haze from western wildfires… air quality alert in effect 🚨 

Iced coffee🧋and a banana 🍌 the hubs enjoying his hot java with cottage cheese and blueberries 🫐 Sun beaming down on the deck making outside breakfast too warm for comfort.  Taking two days off from rehab visitation… spent all day Monday with Mom doing family training and observation… spoke with all three therapists… social worker… doctor… progress is being made… hubs going for family training Wednesday with Mom… our sweet aide this coming Monday.  

Supper tonite… hubs request… NO CHICKEN please… hahahaha… he says he is sprouting pin feathers… enjoyed burger night… two grilled beef sliders with Muenster cheese 🍔 crisp green salad with greenhouse cucumber 🥒  tomato 🍅 red onion 🧅 and creamy Caesar dressing… cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc alongside…  Wild Berry Zinger tea 🫖 for the hubs… delicious.   Had a new experience tonite… 90/10 ground sirloin wasn’t forming a patty… needed to add an egg for binding… not sure why it happened… usually no issues… any ideas? 

Covid delta variant a big risk… please reconsider if you aren’t vaxxed yet… you can still be protected… over 2 billion people have taken a shot… be part of the solution… let your fears be resolved… ask questions of your doctor… read facts on the CDC website… make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn in the interim… mask up… limit public interactions… zip through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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