Monday 12 July 2021

Sandwiches for Supper… and Flowers

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Steamy… the Big Sweaty Apple 🍎 humidity feeling thick and soupy… little breeze… stagnant… oppressive…  a typical New York City summer feel…

Out on the deck early… checking in on the greenhouse post rain storm… flowers abound… the myriad of bird song… chirps… warbles… clicks… caws… tweets… screeches and twitters… the music of Earth bringing solace to the world… if only folks would stop and listen 🌎

Iced coffee 🧋and a banana 🍌 the hubs enjoying his hot java with a mini wrap…  packing up sandwiches and an apple for lunch at the hospital with Mom… hubby’s tummy suddenly in an uproar…  time for him to rest at home…  

Off to visit Mom… showing improvement today… blood pressure level… oxygen saturation 97%…  no audible wheezing… edema lessening… still in sinus rhythm 🤞🥰 impatient to leave the hospital (a good sign) and get on with rehab… enjoying the visit by the men yesterday… so pleased… she was able to speak whole sentences today… big improvements ☺️🙃

Arrived home quite late… 9 PM…  no interest in supper for the hubs… a piece of toast with jam didn’t settle well… couple of hours later was able to eat a banana comfortably… progress… seems he is moving past the tummy troubles.  Enjoyed a turkey and salami sandwich with cheese and a few pretzel snaps for a light no work meal… not very hungry after a late afternoon cookie and tea snack with our sweet aide… while Mom ate her supper…  lots of leftovers from Sunday’s barbecue will make a lovely dinner for tomorrow.

Heard a statement that hit a nerve today… let me clearly state… 

No one in America is going to force anyone to get vaccinated against covid... or any other disease for that matter… against their will…

We are a democracy… not a kingdom or dictatorship… no one will ever be forced to take a jab against their will… hogwash!!  

We may encourage… that is all 💕😷

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

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