Wednesday 30 June 2021

Julia’s Welcome Back Gathering & Mom’s A-fib

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

The heat is ON here in the Big Sizzlin’ Apple… 97°F today… that expression… hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk… today was fryin’ day!  Mama robin has 4 healthy babies growing up in her nest… they tweet and cheep when she or papa arrive with a nice juicy bug or wiggly worm for lunch… their heads and necks visible above the nest edge even when mama or papa is gone searching for more food… their little sounds are adorable. 

Iced coffee 🧋inside the cool house today with the hubs and Beth Benson… a quick breakfast of cottage cheese… it’s been a busy few days…  taking Mom to the doctor… she has been feeling poorly these last days… a quick assessment by our MD…  then off to the hospital for admission and an in-depth assessment… her heart beating much too fast.  Stabilized and medicated… she is resting comfortably as the cardiologists review her case.

A whirlwind weekend…  punctuated by the enormous excitement of having Julia Nusbaum arrive from Morocco Friday… Beth arrive from Michigan Saturday morning…  our gathering Saturday afternoon and evening… it was a weekend of heartwarming friendship and joy…. having both of these fabulous ladies stay at our home…  despite the intense heat of the last days we have enjoyed one another’s company so very much.   Beth has now returned to Michigan…  Julia remains until Thursday morning when she returns home…  their cheerful smiling faces will be missed so very much.

Our extended WhatsApp call with Liz Gutter Saturday early on was such fun!  We chatted and laughed…  the four musketeers 😂 Then enjoyed a zoom call  organized by Dori Davenport Thexton which included friends from all over the country!  It was marvelous… a celebration for sure 😄💕

Some photos of our meal Saturday… asparagus plate by Joseph Bassin… delicious chocolate chip cookies by Randye Spina (and two bottles of bubbly) chicken, salad and pitas by us… delicious 😋 So glad everyone made the effort to participate 🥰❤️

Covid is still a risk folks… if you aren’t vaxxed… get it done!  Don’t be a statistic! Over 99% of new cases are among the unvaccinated!  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn   Until then… Mask up… limit interactions… fly through the market and wash those germy hands 😄💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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