Thursday 24 June 2021

Meat Lasagna, Fresh Green Salad and Fruit Salad…. Nachos from the week… Mama Robin & Mr Sam

 Restoration supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Two days of delight… low humidity… cool temps… bright sunshine… Mama robin has been feeding her devouring hoard solo until yesterday… Papa finally arrived to help with the younguns…  the two parents have been busily finding worms and insects for them to munch… at first all that was visible were the tips of beaks peeking up over the edge of the nest… today we saw long wiggly necks and four bobbing heads straining to be fed… mama or papa returning with the goods… hearing them softly chirping when either parent arrives… they’re getting bigger by the day 🐦 

Iced coffee 🧋and a banana out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his hot cup ☕️ with two 3 minute eggs 🥚 Mr Sam snuggled into an old blanket under a chair in the shade catching 40 winks… enjoying feeling relaxed enough to snooze while we keep him company…  spent time weeding the herb garden today… the lemon balm and mint no longer taking over… severe pruning necessary but the trash smells divine 🗑 watered and fussed over the greenhouse… tomatoes 🍅 and cucumbers 🥒 taking over the roof…

The hubs saw his orthopedic surgeon…  got a good report… recovery  moving along well… another month of PT could possibly be the last part of his recovery… hoping he is able to stabilize the knee a bit more 🤞Quick trip to the market for a few necessaries and a late client visit just before dinner… first in person session in 18 months… outside on the deck for additional safety…

Busy day…. supper tonite… meat lasagna (purchased from our local market) with a fresh  green salad and cantaloupe peach strawberry blueberry fruit salad… served alongside a crisp Sauvignon Blanc for yours truly and a Pinot Noir for the hubs… all in all a highly productive day

Covid apparently isn’t done with the US just yet… virtually all new cases currently among unvaccinated folks… some states beginning to see surges of the delta variant 😢 make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  don’t become a statistic…. Until then… mask up… limit interactions… jog through the market and wash those germy hands 😁💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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