Tuesday 1 June 2021

Leftover Steak on Salad with Crackers and Cream of Celeriac and Fennel Soup

 Restoration supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

A milder day...  temps reaching 75°F...  feeling much like spring again... for now...  expecting temps to climb near 90°F by weeks end...  sun peeking from behind clouds...  playing hide and seek...  by days end cooling off considerably.  Our new tenant has not shown their feathers yet...  waiting patiently for faces to appear.  Glimpsed the new set of baby squirrels...  tiny hops as they cross the street following mama’s lead...  a bit thin and wispy with bushy tails that flick when they stop to look about.  

Iced coffee 🧋and a mini wrap...  the hubs enjoying his hot java with an omelette and banana on the side...  Mr Sam feeling perky...  meowing for attention and rubs as he paces along the deck.  Spent time in the greenhouse... checking on the babies post rain and wind...  all are healthy... thriving...  growing taller and fuller each day.  Tomatoes and cucumbers flowering...  first nasturtium buds appearing...  mint and basil doing well...  dianthis and marigolds blooming beautifully.  The hubs spreading mulch around the base of the bushes...  helping them regain their luster after many years planted in their spots.  Feeling fabulous being outside enjoying the garden and the warmth 🥰

Supper tonite...  leftover steak 🥩 on a crisp salad with homemade lemon mustard sauce and vegetable crackers...  a bowl of cream of celeriac and fennel soup alongside...  served with a crisp Sauvignon Blanc...  coffee coffee buzz buzz buzz ice cream for dessert... a favorite 😋

A new covid variant has been found in Vietnam... a cross between the UK variant and the variant from India...  so far it appears the vaccine will protect against the new strain.  Not vaxxed yet?  Oh dear...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  fly through the market and wash those germy hands 😄💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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