Thursday 10 June 2021

Penne with Roasted Red Pepper, Broccoli & Fennel, Grilled Parsley and Cheese Sausage and Devils Horn Moon Sunrise

 Restoration supper tonite…  Live from NYC…

Devils horn moon sunrise…  stunning phenomenon caused by a partial solar eclipse…  tried to view it but clouds rolled in blocking the view 🤨 Luckily a friend… Andres…  rode out to eastern Long Island and captured the sunrise for all to enjoy…  he is a master of photography 🥰

Weather pattern finally broke today… pleasantly warm with temps approaching 80°F…  tonite quite cool in the low 60’s… humidity down to comfortable levels…  grateful to no longer be broiling here in the Big Apple 🍎 Our tenant has yet to step off her nest… faithful as always… nurturing her clutch of eggs… regardless of temperature or conditions… we wait patiently for hatchlings to arrive 🐦

Iced coffee 🧋out on the deck… the hubs enjoying his hot java with the last slice of leftover pizza…  Mr Sam snuggled under a chair napping in the shade…  dinner request…  something on the grill… sounds like a plan 

Supper tonite… penne with roasted red peppers, broccoli and fennel… olive oil… black pepper and Parmesan…  grilled sausages with cheese and parsley…  alongside Bogle Sauvignon Blanc…  sliced mango and kiwi for dessert with decaf coffee for the hubs ☕️ 

The delta variant has arrived from India…  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution… until then… mask up… limit interactions… trot through the market and wash those germy hands 😄💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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