Thursday 31 December 2020

Spicy Shrimp and Grits & Chilled Prosecco for Midnight... Happy 2021 πŸ₯‚πŸΎ

 It’s almost 2021...  spicy shrimp and grits for supper...  have the rest of the Prosecco ready for midnight...  

So glad to see the end of this year...  the beginning of the new year with hope for healing and health for everyone...

Cheer to a vastly better year ahead πŸ₯‚πŸΎ❤️❤️❤️

Charcuterie Platter, Prosecco and a Happy New Year 2021

 Quarantine activities of the day...   Live from NYC... 

Happy New Year 2021 to all those folks we miss and love ❤️❤️❤️

Vanilla skies...   warmer temps...  cloud cover a blanket holding in the warmth...  briefly visited with Mom...  wishing her a happy new year...  a vaccine for her on the horizon soon.  

The hubs still in his brace...  recovering...  feeling better...  still resting with leg elevated most of the day...   frustrated...  but coping.  

Put together a charcuterie platter for us with our first glass of Prosecco for the evening...   Jarlsberg...  Gouda...  blueberries...  endive leaves with olive tapenade hummus...  greenhouse cherry tomatoes...  turkey rolls with Kalamata Olives and herbed crackers...  delicious.

Here’s to 2021...  a new year...  a new administration...  a new vaccine...  and hope!  May it be vastly better than 2020 for all of us here in the US and around the world 🌎   Cheers folks πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts for the New Year?

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Rotisserie Chicken in Egg Roll Wrappers with Creamy White Bean and Arugula Soup and Rosemary Olive Oil Braid

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC... 

Brisk...  cold...  bit of a wind...  our local squirrel sat at the edge of the deck today munching her acorn finds...  we recognize her now...  her fluffy tail and bright black eyes...  left little piles of shells behind...  reminded me of the piles of needles left by the rabbits in Tucson after eating the prickly pear pads...  like eating fish and spitting out the bones.  Missed that trip this past year...  missed the one to Estes too...  and the one to NOLA for food surfing...  two more day left of 2020...  hoping 2021 is vastly better in all aspects.  

The hubs is improving slowly but surely...  almost no pain...  some mild discomfort...  it’s apparent when he tries to spend more time on his feet... leg swells from his brace constricting blood flow...  soon as he elevates the legs... all returns to normal.  So frustrating for him...  being stuck on the couch.

Tonites supper...  leftover rotisserie chicken in egg roll wrappers...  so crunchy...  alongside creamy white bean and arugula soup...  warming...  comforting...  baked off the rest of the pizza dough tonite into a rosemary olive oil braid...  snuck a tiny taste from the heel of the bread...  it will be perfect for tomorrow’s dinner.

The new strain of Covid has arrived in the US and about 17 other countries...   scientists estimate it is about 16X more contagious than the strain we have dealt with thus far...  with approximately the same level of sickness and mortality.  It is thought the vaccine will protect against this new strain as well.  You know what to do...   mask up...  limit social interactions... and wash those germy hands.

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 28 December 2020

Pizza Night

 Quarantine supper tonite...  live from NYC...  

Today’s word...   balmy...  50°F today...  thermometer crashing down tonite...  below freezing...   Big Apple bipolar weather...  a new pattern...  sunny skies...  light breeze...  perfect errand day...  squirrels out and about digging everywhere for stored nuts.  

Did you know...  squirrels can smell acorns buried in the ground?  They don’t recall where they buried their nuts...  they dig up any nuts...   so effectively they share the stash of all nuts.  Humans could learn a lot from squirrels...  share...  save a snack for a cold snowy day...  sleep a lot in cold months...  climb trees...  talk to the neighbors...  have a couple of places to sleep in case one blows away...  hide from danger and always sleep in pairs for warmth.  

Saw a gaggle of geese today...  they all honk to encourage the one in front to keep pace...  they take turns being the leader...  it’s hard work being the one to set the pace and cut through the wind for the rest...  lots of encouragement...  people can be like that...  encouraging... setting the pace...  letting others take turns.

The young cashier in the store apologized after she filled four balloons for another customer...  “Sorry for the delay”...  “no rush” I said... she smiled...  “thanks...  some people”...  I finished her sentence...  “are in a hurry”...  it was all unsaid...  she glowed.  Leave everything a little bit better than you find it ❤️

Pizza night...  delicate crust...  shredded mozzarella...  oven roasted tomatoes with salt, pepper and basil...   another layer of shredded mozzarella...  bake in cast iron for 25 minutes at  450°F...  scrumptious.

Covid stats on the rise again in NY...  current positivity rate 8%...  that’s up from <1% in September...  mask up folks...  no shortcuts...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts? 

Rotisserie Chicken and Peter’s Hash

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Thermometer inched up a smidgen today...  winds calmer...  cold but tolerable...  made the trek to the market to pick up for Mom and fill in a few bits and bobs for us...  then over to her place to bring the groceries and spend some time...  mask on... hall doorway open.  

While Mom ate her supper with her aide...  we chatted...  sharing interesting stories and family updates.  She waits impatiently for her vaccine...  freeing her up to be with her friends again...  to be able to play bridge...  share meals in the restaurant...   and return to her yoga classes.

While we chatted the hubs sent a photo of his brunch...  eggs with spam, brussel sprout, onion and potato hash...  looked delicious...  asked him to make it again...  for supper.  So glad he agreed...  a delightful combination of ingredients melded into a smoky savory blend with just a poke of heat from ground Aleppo pepper and smoked Spanish paprika...  consumed alongside a rotisserie chicken from the market picked up on the way home. 

Four more days remain of 2020...  the virus still stealing souls...  over a hundred thousand Americans hospitalized...  this year has been difficult in a myriad of ways.  Over 300,000 families impacted by the death of loved ones...  isolation...  lack of human touch...  inability to socialize between generations...  families unable to see one another through the holidays.

But there have also been hidden blessings...  children baking and cooking with parents...  honing their skills in the kitchen...  families putting together puzzles...  making memories they’ll never forget...  folks developing hobbies and interests that they will carry with them throughout their lives.   Young people learning that the most valuable asset they have is family...  something we learn when we cannot access it with ease.  

The pandemic has been a stress filled tortuous experience...  it has magnified the problems in our country and the incompetence of our administration...  we have an opportunity to reshape America in the image we believe it should express...  let us not waste it πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 25 December 2020

Christmas Brunch and a Supper in Hawaii... Spam, Home Fries and Eggs

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

The aftermath...  howling winds whipping across the deck...  greenhouse shuddering...  garbage cans toppled...  covers strewn about...  driving rain thudding against the windows...  sound of freight trains as gusts topped 60 mph...  house shaking...  floor boards creaking...   a cacophony of sounds...  hairs standing up on the back of the neck...  no sleep for tired souls...  finally...  5am...  storm eases...  dropping off to sleep...  exhausted but safe.

Awakened to cloudy skies...  light rain...  calls from the grand kids out of state...  little voices...  Merry Christmas Grandpa...  adorable...  happy faces...  opening presents...   lots of joy to share.  

Packed up all the goodies in boxes...  bags...  plates...  wrappings...  and a crate to see happy faces enjoy them...  a labor of love worth every pound of chocolate and stick of butter  πŸ« 🧈 ❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸŽ„πŸŽ

Visited with the local family...  our kids...  the in-laws...   great friends and family...  just us six...  windows open...   masks...  chilly but lots of fresh air to keep us all safe and healthy...  delicious brunch of NY bagels...  smoked salmon...  cream cheeses...  whitefish salad...  egg salad...  fresh coffee...  mimosas...  and of course Christmas goodies...   what a delight to enjoy some few moments together after so many months of isolation...  so looking forward to the vaccine to resume some semblance of normalcy.   

Supper was a visit to Hawaii...  spam, home fries and eggs with sliced tomatoes and Orange Cranberry Banana Loaf alongside...  delicious...  a perfect end to a soul filling day πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Grandma Gertie’s Kitchen

 Sitting in my grandmothers kitchen...  she has one of those metal three step stools...  in red... that is also a chair at the top...  it’s snugged in between the fridge and the end of the counter...  I sit there and watch her cook.  She has a tiny galley kitchen...  maybe 8’ long 5’ wide...  every square inch used well...  exhaust fan in the window at the end of the counter keeps the kitchen cool...  she cooks and bakes...  everything from scratch...  tasting...  adjusting seasonings...  explaining to me while she cooks...  try this...  a wooden spoon approaches my mouth...  it’s raw fish with seasonings...  I clamp my mouth shut and shake my head...  uh uh... no...  not tasting raw fish...  grandma tells me if I ever want to learn to cook properly I will have to taste...  how else can you see if it’s right?  

Now, I taste...  and sniff...  and stir... and think of her as I cook and bake in my small kitchen...  she is there...  in my head...  telling me to taste and asking, Does it need salt? 

Thursday 24 December 2020

Baked Salmon over Fried Brown Rice and Vaccines

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

The calm before the storm...  so accurate...  especially today...  the sun peeking through the clouds early on...  temps climbing near 60°F...   winds calm...   remaining snow a distant memory...  2pm...  breezes picking up a bit...  dropping off Mom’s Christmas goodies...  gusts disheveling hair...   9pm...  winds arrive.  Howling down the avenue...   driving rain against the windows...   the old house creaking in response...   occasional gusts sounding like a train passing by...  few folks out and about.

Christmas Eve at home hunkered down waiting out the storm.  That’s exactly what these past ten months have been...  waiting out the storm...  the virus...  the chaotic administrations response to the pandemic...   the constant whine of ambulance sirens in the March surge...  the refrigerated trucks filled with lost souls...  the mass graves on Hart Island...  the complete lack of social interaction...  the loss of friends...  family members...  waiting for it all to end...  waiting for a miracle.   

And now...  the vaccine...  scientists have worked their hardest to bring the fruits of their labor to market in record time...  building on ten years of study and innovation since SARS COVID 1...  we are truly blessed to be able to get protection from this scourge and return to some semblance of normalcy.   In the interim...  we must remain vigilant...  the new strain...  70% more contagious...  masks on...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands...  we all know the drill by now...  let us stay alive to celebrate in the new year as we all get vaccinated πŸ’•πŸ˜·

Our Supper on Christmas Eve...  Baked Salmon filet over Fried Brown Rice with onion, garlic, rice wine, soy sauce and egg...  preceded by appetizers (not pictured) of Olive Tapenade Hummus...  Gouda...   Jarlsberg...  Pretzel dippers...  Sliced Green Apple and a delightful Italian Red Wine...   the kids enjoyed seared steak with green beans and ravioli slathered in delicious marinara...  Cabernet Sauvignon alongside to compliment their meal...  sharing suppers via WhatsApp...  a new kind of Christmas Eve. 

Merry Christmas to all πŸŽ„πŸ· 🎁  Have a safe and joy filled holiday πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Hibachi Steak, Chicken and Shrimp and Christmas Goodies

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Bright skies...  few clouds overhead...  42°F...  light breeze... mild enough to shovel snow off the deck without a jacket...   gave the greenhouse a health check today...  water and a bit of love to the plants thriving within.   Saw a hawk circling overhead enjoying the thermals...   sparrows chirping in large flocks...  cardinals whistling to one another...  jays squawking...  even in winter there is life. 

Finished all the Christmas goodies...  packed up for family and friends...  delivered the first ones today...  more tomorrow and Friday.  Love watching folks eyes light up at the sight of cookies πŸ₯°   Have a package all ready for Mom...  her favorites...  Chocolate Chippers...  her mother’s Almond Cookies...  Double Chocolate Chippers...  Magic Cookie Bars and Molasses Crinkle Cookies...  all baked with love...  and an Orange Cranberry Banana Loaf for breakfast on Christmas Day! 

Supper tonite was a break for the cook...  Hibachi Steak and Chicken for the hubs...   Hibachi Steak and Shrimp for the cook...  both accompanied by a crisp salad with ginger dressing...  miso soup...   stir fried vegetables and fried rice.  Outstanding...  and best of all...  no work for the kitchen staff!  Always love a day off when needed...  and today was that day...  after all the Christmas goodies were finished up and packaged...  this gal was pooped! 

With all the issues the USPO is having...  as a result of the administration’s incompetent appointment to Postmaster General...  demolishing sorting machines in major cities across the US...  mail and packages on time delivery rate is only 75%...  last year, when we had a competent Postmaster General... the on time delivery rate was 90%!!  So, of course, Christmas gifts might not arrive here in the Big Apple by Friday πŸ˜žπŸ˜” hate disappointing folks 😒

Covid continues to take over 3000 souls each day in America...  the new strain...  70% more contagious...  has been in the UK for over three months...  in all likelihood it is already here in the US.   Please...  think through your Christmas plans...   weigh your risks...   check with the CDC website for tips...  mask up...   limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Lemon Thyme Tea Biscuits... Grandma’s Almond Cookies & Magic Bars from Eagle Brand

 Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...

Snow melting...  reminders of childhood snowmen shrinking in the sun...  temps warming to 42°F amidst partly cloudy skies...   birds celebrating in the branches...  twittering...  hopping about...  squirrels madly searching among dripping snowmelt for buried goodies...  fattening up for deep winter ahead...    the end of early winter looming large in the rear view mirror.

Busy day...  baking off the cookie doughs created yesterday afternoon.  Delightful thyme lemon tea biscuits... recipe courtesy of John Barry Muscatello...  aromatic with welcome notes of lemon.   A holiday favorite...  my Grandmother’s Almond Cookies...  melt in the mouth almonds and butter with just a hint of salt...  bringing back delicious memories of her fabulous baking...  watching from a high stool as she talked through her process...  I was entranced.   Magic cookie bars...  the original recipe from the can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk with 1/2 tsp cinnamon added into the graham cracker crust and a few extra chocolate chips atop... is there really such a thing as too much chocolate?  I think not 🍫 

Supper was quick and easy...  burgers...  Swiss cheese...  sliced tomato...  hot and spicy mustard...  crema and arugula on a toasted sesame seed bun with a simple salad and the last of the open Cabernet...  dessert...  brew for the hubs with coffee cake for two.

Thin carefully about your plan for Christmas celebrations...  if any...  risk analysis...  check the CDC website for tips on precautions and safety measures...  and always...  mask up...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 21 December 2020

Shrimp in Tasso Cream... NYTimes Rice Crispy Treats and Birthday Flowers

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Sun beaming in the windows...  light creeping across the living room floor...  Mr Sam snuggled into a ball enjoying the warmth...   temps rose to 40°F...  the Big Apple slowly melting...  drip drip drip under the deck...  slats appearing here and there between the frozen snow...  puddles along sidewalks camouflaging dips and cracks in the pavement...  potholes once visible now filled with snow melt... a danger for drivers.  

Few days left before the holiday is upon us...  last minute details...  candy making...  NYTimes rice crispy treats with dark chocolate and pretzels... salty... sweet deliciousness...  doughs in the fridge ready for baking tomorrow...   pretzels waiting to be dipped in meted chocolate...  wrapping...  delivering...  the crunch has arrived.  

Delightful treat from the kids...  gorgeous flowers and a masked visit... made our day! 

Supper tonite...  a favorite reminder of our journeys to New Orleans...  Tasso Shrimp and Cream.  The hubs smoked a whole spiced pork loin over the summer...  diced and frozen in small batches...  Tasso...  that elusive ingredient that makes this particular recipe taste like heaven.  Today it worked it’s magic along with diced poblano pepper, onion, garlic and lots of delicious herbs and spices in a heavenly cream sauce tossed with pasta and served with shrimp roasted with garlic, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika...  divine.

Covid stats are still increasing across the country...  please think before you make holiday plans...  check the CDC website for tips on staying safe...   review the infection rate in your local area...  and most importantly...

Mask up...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands!  

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 20 December 2020

Home Fries a la Dad... Stuffed Meatloaf and Blistered Cherry Tomatoes with Athina’s Xmas Cookies

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

 40°F!!   The deep freeze is finally ending!  The Big Defrosting Apple took a ride up the thermometer today...  streets had a chance to thaw...   sidewalks cleared of slippery ice...  the slow dripping of meltwater down the gutters creating a tic tic tic along the drainpipes...   no sun available... cloud cover a thick blanket keeping the city a bit warmer...  tonite there will be some refreezing as the temps dip into the low 30’s.  Birds out chattering in the trees...  saw a couple of squirrels running up and down the snowy grass digging for nuts...  a few folks out walking dogs in winter coats, hats and gloves...  minimal activity on a Sunday in NYC.

Brought groceries to Mom along with a few special requests by her aide for ingredients to prepare cheesecake and salmon to celebrate on Christmas Day.  We will stop by Christmas Eve to wish her well and drop off holiday gifts for her and her aide.  She is healthy...  waiting patiently for her turn to get vaccinated and feel safer resuming parts of her life.  The hubs...  unable to join us these past weeks...  chatted on the phone with her later in the day.

Supper was quick and easy after returning late from delivery and visiting...  leftover stuffed meatloaf and blistered cherry tomatoes...  with home fries...   my favorite way to eat potatoes...  Dad’s recipe...   the hubs preferring his meatloaf and tomatoes served over sweet potato mash...  dessert a delicious mix of fabulous Greek Christmas cookies from our friend and neighbor next door...  amazing baker and cook! 

There is much false information being put out as “fact” regarding the safety of the vaccines for Covid...  please choose to listen to your Doctor and not a friend online or television personality.  If you have questions about the safety of the vaccines,  please refer to the myriad of public information available from the FDA and the CDC...  as well as the scientific study results publicly available to read...  finally speak with your health care provider about your specific situation.   The pandemic will end with all of us continuing to stay safe, mask up, limit social interactions and wash those germy hands...   while the vaccine is made available free to anyone who wants it...  it will not stop the virus unless we all have faith that it will protect us and get the shot! Please do your part to get educated πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 19 December 2020

Ground Beef Patties with Caramelized Onions and Oven Roasted Tomatoes & Icy Cold Modelo Negro

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Bright skies...  milder temperatures...  still winds...  today the Big Frosty Apple got a break from the deep cold...  high temperature today  32°F...   almost balmy after the freezing snow and blowing wind...  warm enough to venture out for groceries to fill in the gaps for ourselves and Mom.

The market was relatively empty this afternoon...  giving time to browse the shelves for sales and ideas...  picked up all the ingredients for the NYTimes Rice Crispy Treats...  looks so evil and chocolatey... yum!  Also, magic bars... a treat made many times at the holidays...  and chocolate dipped pretzel rods... a family favorite!  

Scored big time at the produce section...  the workers wrapping up leftovers in 5 lb bags for $1.99 each...  two bags of tomatoes, eggplant, onions, clementines, poblanos and rainbow carrots...  so pleased to have lots of veggies to roast this week.  

Supper was ground beef patties smothered in caramelized onions...  oven roasted tomatoes...   swiss cheese (under the tomatoes)...  on a fresh sesame seed bun...  messy and yummy...  with a Modelo Negro alongside... perfect end to a busy day πŸ” Mr Sam uninterested in sharing our food tonite...  had his own supper in mind 😻

Covid is threatening to infect and destroy half a million lives by March of 2021...   we are nearing the end of the pandemic...   vaccines are becoming available...  folks are getting inoculated...  vigilance...   patience...  adulting is hard but we must persist!   Please...  wear a mask...  it’s a blessing in cold weather...  keeps the face warm...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands!  

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf with Avocado Tomato Salad and Blistered Cherry Tomatoes

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

23°F on the thermometer tonite...  frigid times in the Frosted Apple (thanks Julia Nusbaum for that excellent title) the big high temp today... 32°F...   light wind...  brrrrr...  very cold πŸ₯Ά under bright blue skies...  nothing to keep the heat on the ground...  just lots of snow and ice.  Sure is pretty outside...  but brutal...  slipped out the door to throw out the trash...  in that short walk to the garbage...  a whole ten feet...  was chilled right through my sweater.  

Squirrels out today looking for food...   little bugger dug a 6” wide hole in the snow down to the ground right beneath the living room window...  paw prints up and down the lawn leading right to it...  must have a stash of nuts hidden in the bushes for safe keeping!   

Few folks outside...  shoveling out cars...  chipping ice off sidewalks...  pushing those who get stuck on icy patches of tarmac...  great day to stay inside...  sitting at the office desk... surrounded by 5 windows...  the sun warming the room just enough to feel comfortable...  makes work more pleasant.  

Supper tonite mozzarella stuffed meatloaf...  blistered cherry tomatoes...  avocado tomato salad with lime vinaigrette...  leftover pea soup...  a bit of Cabernet Sauvignon and the hubs nightly brew with coffee cake for two (hey, accidental rhyme πŸ™ƒ)  followed by Kinky Boots streaming free this weekend on YouTube...  don’t miss it... excelllent show with a very timely message πŸ˜·πŸ’•

Covid continues to spread uncontrolled across the US...  tonite it was announced on the news that millions of Americans are planning to travel for the holidays to see family...  

Please reconsider...  we are so close to ending this pandemic...  several vaccines available...  two approved...  a risky decision might make it that much more deadly for so many...  please rethink holiday plans...  we are staying home...  having a meal with one another...  our kids are not joining us...  neither is family...  we will no drop off gifts, no contact...  briefly visit Mom with masks on...  we all hope to be alive to celebrate next year ❤️❤️❤️

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 17 December 2020

Orange Cranberry Banana Mini Loaves & 10” of Snow in NYC

 Quarantine activities of the day...   Live from NYC...

3pm...  Snow...  big fluffy flakes...  fluttering gently down like butterflies...  

5pm...  wind...   driving snow...   blowing off roofs in great swaths of white powder...   11pm...  sleet...   wind...  nails against the house...   Clackety clack...  hitting the windows and wooden slats...    Midnight...   strong winds...   gusting over 40 mph...  creaking house...   2am...   greenhouse is doing well...   not too much snow on the roof...  interior temperature 35°F...   time for bed. 

11am...  bright sun reflecting off pristine white snow...   sidewalk driveway and stairs disappeared under drifts...  time to shovel!   Winds calm...  about 10” of snow...  heavy...  layered within...  sleet...  the hubs resting...  leg elevated...  hearing the scrape of the shovel outside...   he is unhappy that he can’t help...  must rest and let the leg heal.  

First the north side...  heavily drifted against the house...  front steps and path...  now the big job...  corner house...  140’ of sidewalk...  90 minutes later...  sidewalk completed...  sore arms...  calling in reinforcements...  

So and DIL arrive to help shovel out the driveway and widen the sidewalk...  so grateful for their love and support...  and it only cost some coffee and cookies!  YAY!!  What could be better πŸ₯°❤️

Mini orange cranberry banana loaves...  one recipe made eight...  wrapped and froze seven for gifts...  we had to taste test one to be sure they were good enough to give πŸ˜‚

Chanukah menorah from a Russian Jewish gal alongside a gingerbread house and Christmas cookies for a Puerto Rican guy...   a Chilean DIL and a half Italian half Russian son...  we are an American family πŸ₯°❤️

Supper tonight...  split pea soup...  leftover chorizo and veggies from the paella...  delicious topping for the soup...   a slice of coffe cake for the hubs with his nightly brew...  and two Advil before bed tonite for yours truly πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Vegetable Paella with Chorizo and Coffee Cake with Orange Glaze

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

🎢Let it snow...  let it snow...   let it snow...  a n’or easter packing a wallop of winds...   gusts up to 45 mph...  a pile of snow...  careening through a swath of the eastern seaboard today from the mid atlantic up through the northeast...  varying amounts of snowfall expected from 5” up to 30” depending on the storms path...  the Big Apple expecting about 5” to 10” tonight and into tomorrow.  Snow began about 3pm...  flurries at first, belying the blowing and drifting to come...  by 5 pm it was an all out blast...  hasn’t let up yet.  

Seemed like a good day for baking coffee cake...  blowing snow...   more coffee and tea for warmth...  cake to go with.  Tried a boxed mix in the pantry...  pumped up the spice...  added orange juice and zest to the glaze...  (can’t seem to leave any boxed mix alone πŸ˜‚) came out pretty flavorful...  the hubs enjoyed a slice with coffee following supper.

Vegetable paella with chorizo...  onions...  garlic...  a bit of poblano pepper... brussel sprouts...  zucchini...  and tomatoes cooked down into a paste...  melding beautifully with white wine... chicken stock and rice...  needed something warming tonite to offset the chill of the storm.  

NYC is quiet tonite...  everyone sheltering in place...  the raging storm outside keeping everyone safely snuggled into blankets with steaming cups of tea or cocoa to sip.  

Stay warm and safe everyoneπŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Cookies... Peanut Butter... Chocolate Chippers... Molasses Crinkle

 Quarantine activities of the day...   Live from NYC...

Peanut butter cookies with a single chocolate chip…  the original Betty Crocker recipe...   the chocolate chip gives just a hint of a Reese’s peanut butter cup...  the hubs favorite candy...  since these were made especially for him πŸ₯°

Chocolate chippers with Ghirardelli 60% cocoa baking chips AND Ghirardelli semi sweet chips πŸͺ ...  thanks Luanne Luane Kohnke...  so yummy...  mega chippers for those of use who LOVE chocolate...  my Mom ❤️

Finally...  molasses crinkle cookies...  thanks Amy Hatvany...   great recipe...  all the flavors of gingerbread...  since eating the gingerbread house would be a dental disaster 🏠  

How was your day?   What’s for supper?   Thoughts?

Monday 14 December 2020

Winter Red Bean and Sausage Soup with shaved Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Gray skies...  bleak afternoon...  serious chill in the air...   the incessant thrumming of steady rain washing over the Big Apple...  no one about...   sidewalks deserted...  a day to say indoors and cuddle up with a snug blanket...  just what the hubs did...  leg elevated...  enjoying some light jazz while sketching ideas for planters on the deck.

Mr Sam keeping company in the kitchen...  eyes watching every move...  creating cookie dough to bake off throughout the week ahead...  he waits for a piece to drop then...  pounce!  πŸ˜½ Peanut butter crosshatch cookies...  the hubs favorite...   chocolate chippers...   Mom’s favorite...  and molasses spice cookies...  since we can’t eat the gingerbread house without breaking a few teeth.  A few more on the menu to be made after this batch is complete along with some mini quick breads...   all to wrap and deliver to family we cannot see this coming holiday celebration...  a delicious reminder of love ❤️ 

Shall we call it ‘almost meatless Monday’?  The majority of the stoup...  that’s a Rachel Ray-ism...  a dish between a soup and a stew...  being vegetables...  but...  surprise...   there are also three sliced turkey sage sausages within.

Red beans...   grated new potato...  homemade chicken stock...  white wine...  onion...   garlic...   diced fresh tomatoes...  fresh thyme, bay leaf and Rosemary from the herb garden...  now located inside the greenhouse for frostbite protection...  and dill...  simmered together...  arugula wilted in off the heat at the end...  and topped with shaved Parmesan...   served with Pinot Noir and a spoon...  warmed the cockles.

An horrific milestone passed today...  more than 300,000 American lives have succumbed to covid.  The first vaccines were given today in NYC at Northwell Health and NYU Langone...  our blessed healthcare providers are getting the protection they have earned though their dedication...  hard work...  and incredible losses.  The last time this type of coordinated vaccine distribution was completed was in the 1950’s for polio.  The virus is expected to claim more lives in the next three months then in the last nine...  please keep your guard up...  this is no time to stop doing the necessary things to stay safe and healthy...  mask up...  limit personal interactions... and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

Porterhouse and Penne in Roasted Tomato Sauce with Black Olives & Garden Salad with Oranges Olives and Red Onions

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Blue skies...   temps in the low 60’s...  no jackets required...  spring like...   birds tweeting in the branches...   squirrels digging in planters on the deck...   folks doing the last of fall cleanup...   spent time on the deck with the hubs and Mr Sam today...  cleaned out dried tomato plants from the greenhouse...   turned over the soil...  brought the remaining herbs inside on benches for frost protection...  expecting snow and cold by midweek...  being outside in the sun and warmth felt like an affirmation of life today.  

Brought groceries to Mom...  spent time chatting...  mask on...  she is doing well...  a few friends visiting through the week...  lots of phone calls keeping friendships alive until they can be together again.   

Stopped at the market on the way home to pick up a few supplies so we are able to remain indoors through the week...  incoming snow fall estimated to be 6” - 12” on Wednesday...  so glad the hubs is home πŸ₯°

Picked up a bag of overripe tomatoes at the market ($2 for 5 lbs) fresh sauce on the menu...  roasted the tomatoes with salt, pepper and olive oil... roasted diced onion and garlic...  buzzed it up...  added black Kalamata olives...  and cooked penne...  enjoyed along with a porterhouse steak...  hubs was able to cook it outside on the grill...  with vino...  and a green salad with oranges, tomatoes and red onions.  

Vaccinations begin this week for our deserving health care workers and nursing home residents...  we must not let our guard down during this time...  covid stats are out of control across the US...  we have been losing souls at the horrific rate of over 3000 each day 😒...  please...  mask up...  limit interactions to folks in your own home...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What on your plate?    Thoughts?

Saturday 12 December 2020

Gingerbread House & Chicken Vegetable Soup with Sliders

 Quarantine activities of the day...   Live from NYC...

A lazy day here in the Big Apple...  overcast skies...  mild temps in the low 60’s...  sorted through paperwork...  mail...  helped the hubs shower up...   watched a Netflix special...  recommended by Drea...  The Social Dilemma...  highly recommend...  serious food for thought.  

Finally finished up the gingerbread house...   one week in the making...  in between and around...  work...   chores...   caring for the hubs...  demands from Mr Sam (he can be soooo demanding) food shopping and delivering for Mom...   and sleeping (hahaha... not much of that)

Supper was leftover chicken vegetable soup and sliders...  decent, but not photo worthy πŸ˜‚

NYC is closing indoor dining as of this coming Monday...  covid stats increasing...  hospitalizations rising...  we’ve been down this road once before...  it’s not a place we would like to go again...  

mask up...  limit indoor interactions to whomever lives with you...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 11 December 2020

Spicy Chicken Thighs with Onion Tater Tots and Applesauce & Garden Salad with Oranges and Red Onions - 2nd night of Chanukah

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

A break from the big chill today...  temps rose into the mid 50’s...  bright skies...  light breeze...  squirrels running about searching for nuts...  birds chattering away in the trees...   masked kids on skateboards zipping by...  couples out walking...  life continues despite the grind of the pandemic.

Running errands...  mailing bills...  picking up another wind chime for the collection...  have close to 20 thus far...  completing Mom’s grocery list...  picking up a few items for us at the market...  busy day all around...   the hubs doing much better...  able to visit Mr Sam in the basement and tinker about with his hobbies...  wobbling around with the brace...   finally able to put weight on it without much discomfort.  

The FDA has just approved an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer Corona virus vaccine.  Shots in the arms of our dedicated health care workers should begin early next week here in the Big Apple.  Restaurants must end indoor dining by Monday as stats continue to rise in NYC.  Despite the good vaccine news...   we are very far from out of the woods...  another 3000+ souls were lost today...  this horrific trend is expected to continue for the next three months...   at least. 

Please don’t drop your guard now...  so close to the end...  mask up...  limit social interactions...  stay alive...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?